Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
A review of traditional Micronesian high island horticulture in Belau, Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Kosrae
Hunter-Anderson, Rosalind L.
Review of travel, Federated States of Micronesia national government, fiscal years 1996-1999 Audit No.AD-01-0001.
Micronesia (Federated States). Office of the National Public Auditor.
Pac.JQ6240.A69T766 2001
IN |
Review of travel: Federated States of Micronesia National Government, June 4, 1988 through April 30, 1990
Micronesia (Federated States). Office of the National Public Auditor.
Pac.JQ6240.A69M58 1990
IN |
Review of tropical reservoirs and their fisheries : the cases of Lake Nasser, Lake Volta and Indo-Gangetic Basin reservoir
FAO.SH1.F2 2011 no.557
IN |
Review on Pacific cooperation activities.
Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation.
Pac.HC681.J36 1988
IN |
Review outlines and materials for business law and CPA law review for use with Schantz's commercial law for business and accounting students : a complete CPA law review
Schantz, William T.
Ref.KF889.S24 1980
IN |
Review (University of the South Pacific. School of Social and Economic Development)
Pac.Per.DU1.R48 1979
IN |
A Revised analysis concerning the marketing of live salt water tropical fish
Steward, William H.
Pac.HD9465.T8S88 1973
IN |
Revised code of American Samoa, 1961 : Supplement.
American Samoa.
Pac.KH400.S25 1961 Suppl.
IN |
Revised list of North American freshwater Planarians (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Paludicola)
Kenk, Roman
Gov. SI 1.27:476
IN |
Revised Micronesian public health syllabus, Peace Corps.
University of Hawaii (Honolulu). International Health Program.
Pac. RA 558 .T7H35 1966b
IN |
A revision and cladistic analysis of the spider family Pimoidae (Araneoidea:Araneae)
Hormiga, Gustavo
Gov. SI 1.27:549
IN |
A revision of Axinellidae (Porifera: Demospongiae) of the Central West Atlantic region
Alvarez, Belinda
Gov. SI 1.27:598
IN |
Revision of Kohleria (Gesneriaceae)
Kvist, Lars Peter.
IN |
A revision of New World Cyamops Melander
Baptista, Alessandra R.
Gov. SI 1.27:563
IN |
Revision of some species referred to Antinoe, Antinoella, Antinoana, Bylgides, and Harmothoe (Polychaeta: Polynoidae: Harmothoinae)
Pettibone, Marian H.
Gov. SI 1.27:545
IN |
Revision of Sphecodogastra Ashmead, floral specialist of Onagraceae
McGinley, Ronald J.
IN |
A revision of the general Polomyia Williston and Masoniella Vockeroth (Diptera: Tethinidae)
Foster, G. A. (George Alan), 1953-
IN |
Revision of the genus Glenanthe Haliday from the new world
Gov. SI 1.27:567
IN |
A revision of the genus Leptonema Guerin (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae: Macronematinae)
Flint, Oliver S.
Gov. SI 1.27:450
IN |
A revision of the genus Olyra and the new segregate genus Parodiolyra (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Olyreae)
Soderstrom, Thomas R.
Gov. SI 1.29:69
IN |
Revision of the Hawaiian species of Peperomia
Yuncker, T. G. (Truman George), 1891-1964.
IN |
A revision of the neotropical aquatic beetle genera Disersus, Pseudodisersus, and Potamophilops (Coleoptera: Elmidae)
Spangler, Paul J.
Gov. SI 1.27:446
IN |
A revision of the new world plant-mining moths of the family Opostegidae (Lepidoptera:Nepticuloidea)
Davis, Donald R. (Donald Ray)
IN |
Revision of the Taeniacanthidae (Copepoda--Poecilostomatoida) parasitic on fishes and sea urchins
Dojiri, Masahiro.
Gov. SI 1.27:447
IN |