Title |
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Call Number |
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Summary back-ground paper for 1975 senior land commisioner's conference
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Ponape District Land Commission.
Pac.HD1251.P33 1975
IN |
Summary: fishing for etelis
South Pacific Commission.
VerF.361 Pac.
IN |
Summary guide to employment support for people with disabilities under the social security disability insurance and supplemental security income programs
Gov.SSA 1.8/5:2006/v.2
IN |
Summary of Australian plant and animal quarantine requirements.
Pac.SF721.S7 1984
IN |
Summary of comments and discussions from the FAO/WHO/OIE electronic conference
Robinson, R. (Robert), 1933-
FAO.RA639.R63 2003
IN |
A summary of current information on the biology, fisheries and stock assessment of Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Pacific ocean, with recommendations for data requirements and future research
Hampton, John
Pac.SH351.T8 T42 1998 no.36
IN |
Summary of data colleted from a declared trochus season on Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
Trianni, Michael S.
VerF.0570 Pac.
IN |
Summary of environmental and fishing information on Guam and the Commonwealth of the northern Mariana Islands : historical background, description of the islands, and review of the climate, oceanography, and submarine topography
Eldredge, Lucius G.
Pac.QC981.8.G5E43 1983
IN |
Summary of findings and recommendations.
United States Commercial Company, Economic Survey.
IN |
Summary of hydrologic data for 1998, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Carruth, R. L.
Pac.GB831.C23 2000
IN |
Summary of Immunization Assessment.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory).
A summary of interviews with key representatives from the Compact Freely Associated States.
Woo, Ginlin.
Pac.DU568.F34W66 1993
IN |
Summary of minutes.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Office of the High Commissioner. Trust Territory Environmental Protection Board.
Summary of Pacific Islands educational systems : British Solomon Islads Protectorate, Gilbert & Ellice Islands Colony, American Samoa, New Hebrides, Cool Islands, Guam, Fiji
The East-West Center
IN |
Summary of preliminary power system planning report for Guam Power Authority
Rogers Engineering Co., Inc.
Pac.HD9685.G89G3 1970
IN |
Summary of proceedings.
Pacific Conference of Legislators.
Pac.J981.M2C3s 1969
IN |
Summary of recommendations for pilot project activities and site selection: report to the Niue IWP national task committee
Pac.S944.5.C57S6 2005
IN |
Summary of synoptic meteorological observations : Hawaiian and selected North Pacific island coastal marine areas.
Pac.QC994.6.U63 v.4
IN |
Summary of the 20th post exposure medical survey of the Rongelap and Utirik people.
Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Pac.RA569.B72 1974
IN |
Summary of the comprehensive conservation plan
Summary of the Cook Islands first development plan
Cook Islands. Department of Development Planning.
Pac.HC688.Z7C62 1983
IN |
Summary of the evaluation report institution.
Pac.LG961.M5C66 1998
IN |
Summary of the future political status talks of the Joint Committee on Future Status.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Joint Committee on Future Status. Western District Subcommittee.
IN |
Summary of the results from the NFC-OFCF survey of the deep-slope fishery resources of the outer banks and seamounts in the Federated States of Micronesia, September 1989 to February 1981
Pac.SH351.T8S6 1991
IN |
Summary of the ruins at Lele, Kusaie island
Iwakichi, Muramushi.
VerF 0468.36 Pac
IN |