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Mixed German place names have been expunged from the memories of Kolonia Towm inhabitants. Panholzer, Tom. VerF 0511.99 Pac IN
Book German plantation on Nukulaelae Atoll, 1865-1890 Iosefa, Suamalie N. T. Pac.DU590.9.N85M86 1991 IN
Mixed German prospects and potentials for international development aid to the new Micronesian States Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony, 1939- VerF 0441 Pac IN
Mixed German records on Micronesia. VerF 0647 Pac. IN
Book German rule in Micronesia Hezel, Francis X. Pac.DU500.G31H51 2016 IN
Book German usage Beaton, K. B. Ref.PF3460.B35 2001 IN
Mixed The Germans and British in Micronesia : indigenous responses in the nineteenth century Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony VerF.1135 Pac. IN
 2 Germany
Book Germany and Berlin United States. Dept. of State. Office of the Historian. Gov. S 1.1:1964-68/v.15 IN
Book Germany and the Far Eastern crisis, 1931-1938 : a study in diplomacy and ideology Fox, John P. DS518.3.F68 1982 IN
Book Germany in the Pacific Fletcher, C. Brunsdon (Charles Brunsdon) 1859-1946 Pac.DU29.F65 1970 IN
Book Germany in the Pacific and Far East, 1870-1914 Pac.DU60.G47 IN
Book Germany, Spain, and the Caroline Islands, 1885-1899 Brown, Richard Gary, 1935- Pac.DU500.B72 IN
Book The Germany-Spain controversy over the Caroline Islands. Pac.DU563.G35 IN
Book Germany's colonization of Micronesia. Bennigsen, Rudolf von 1859-1912. Pac.DU645.B46 2002 c.2 IN
Mixed Germany's lost Pacific empire Churchill, William VerF 0886.20 Pac IN
Book Germany's takeover in Micronesia. Bennigsen, Rudolf von 1859-1912. Pac.DU645.B46 2002 c.2 IN
Book Germinal Zola, Émile, 1840-1902. PQ2505.G2Z7 1970 IN
Book Germinal. English Zola, Émile, 1840-1902. PQ2505.G2Z7 1970 IN
Book Germs : biological weapons and America's secret war Miller, Judith, 1948- UG447.8.M54 2001 IN
Book Germs : mysterious microorganisms Nardo, Don, 1947- Ref.QR57.N37 1991 IN
Book Geronimo Stilton Stilton, Thea CRC Juv.S5 2010 IN
Book Geronimo : the man, his time, his place Debo, Angie, 1890- E99.A6G324 1976 IN
Book Gertrud English Hesse, Hermann, 1877-1962. PT2617.E85 1995 IN
Book Gertrude Hesse, Hermann, 1877-1962. PT2617.E85 1995 IN
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