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 2 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Budget--Budget Submission--Justifications.
 4 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Economic Development.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Economic Development--Commerce and Industry--Exports - Imports
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Economic Development--Programs - Projects.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Economic Development--Studies and Surveys.
Serial Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Economic Development Tourism.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--Federal Aid.
 3 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--Instruction--Curriculum - Courses of Study - Daily Lesson Plans.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--Instruction--Evaluation - Tests and Measurements.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--Instruction--Teaching Aids and methods.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--Instructions.
 4 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--Plans - Projects.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--Relationships - Outside Organizations.
 2 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--Research.
 2 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--School Programs.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--School Programs--Elementary Education.
 2 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--School Programs--Vocational Education.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--Schools and Facilities--Libraries.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Education--Students--Activities.
Language Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Events.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Finance and accounting--Audits.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Finance and Accounting Banks and Banking.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Finance and accounting--Payrolls.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Housing.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands--Housing--Assignment of Quarters Agreements.
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