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Book Social studies (Secondary)--Study and teaching--Micronesia--Chuuk.
 3 Social studies--Study and teaching (Elementary).
Book Social studies--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Micronesia (Federated States).--Chuuk.
 2 Social studies--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Micronesia (Federated States)--Kosrae.
Book Social studies--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Micronesia (Federated States).--Yap.
Book Social studies--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Pohnpei (Trust Territory).
Book Social studies--Study and teaching--Micronesia.
Book Social studies--Study and teaching--Micronesia--Chuuk.
Book Social studies--Study and teaching--Micronesia--Kosrae.
 3 Social studies--Study and teaching (Middle school)
Book Social support.
Book Social surveys.
Social surveys See also: Educational surveys
Book Social surveys--Fiji--Moturiki Island.
Book Social surveys--Methodology.
Book Social surveys--Oceania.
Book Social surveys --Papua New Guinea.
Book Social surveys--Philippines.
Book Social surveys --Research--Encyclopedias.
Book Social systems.
Social theory, Christian See: Sociology, Christian
 5 Social values.
Book Social values --Cross-cultural studies.
 4 Social values--United States.
Computer Social values--United States--CD-ROMs.
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