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Book United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations--History.
Book United States. Congress. Senate--Committees--History
Serial United States. Congress. Senate--Elections
 8 United States. Congress. Senate--History.
Book United States. Congress. Senate. Office of the Secretary
Book United States. Congress. Senate.--Presiding officers.
Book United States. Congress. Senate--Rules and practice.
Serial United States. Congress. Senate--Voting
Book United States--Congresses.--Soviet Union--Politics and government--1985-1991
 4 United States--Constitution.
 2 United States. Constitution. 1st-10th Amendments.
Book United States Constitution 1st Amendment
Book United States--Constitution--Amendments.
Book United States. Constitution--Signers
 2 United States. Constitutional Convention (1787)
 3 United States--Constitutional law.
 3 United States--Constitutional law--Cases.
Book United States--Constitutional law--Terms and phrases.
 2 United States. Continental Congress.
Book United States. Continental Congress--Biography.
Serial United States. Court of Appeals (9th Circuit)
Book United States.| Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in Political Union with the United States of America--Legislative history.
Book United States--Cumberland Gap National Historical Park.
Book United States Customhouse (New Orleans, La.)--History.
 4 United States. Declaration of Independence.
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