View previous page View next page Subject Search:  English language --Study and teaching.
English language Idioms, corrections, errors See: English language--Idioms
 4 English language--Idioms--Dictionaries.
Book English language--Idioms--Problems, exercises, etc.
Book English language--Influence on foreign languages.
 3 English language--Jargon.
Book English language --Lexicography.
English language Lexicology See: Lexicology
English language Metrics and rhythmics See: English language--Style
Book English language--Micronesia.
Book English language--Middle English, 1100-1500--History.
Book English language--Middle English, 1100-1500--Standardization.
 2 English language--New words--Dictionaries.
Book English language--noun--Glosaries--Vocabularies, etc.
Book English language--Obsolete words.
 3 English language--Orthography and spelling.
 2 English language--Orthography and spelling--Study and teaching.
 5 English language--Orthography and spelling--Study and teaching (Elementary)
Book English language --Orthography and spelling--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Activity programs.
Book English language--Orthography and spelling--Study and teaching (Elementary)--United States.
Book English language--Pacific Islands (Trust Territory)--Chuuk.
Book English language--Palau.
 2 English language--Paragraphs.
Book English language --Parts of speech.
Serial English language--Periodicals.
Book English language--Phonemics--Study and teaching (Early childhood)--United States.
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