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University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Islands Studies Program. Working papers series See: Working papers series (University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Islands Studies Program)
Book University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service circular
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu).; Pacific and Asian Linguistics Institute.; PALI language texts.
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). School of Public Health. Population studies.
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). UNIHI-SG-AR
Book University of Hawaii. Pacific and Asian Linguistics Institute. PALI language texts.
Book University of Hawaii Sea Grant Program.
Book University of Hawaii. Social Science Research Institute. PALI Language Texts: Micronesia
Book University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History
 2 The University of Michigan history of the modern world
Book University of Michigan studies. Scientific series
Book University of Notre Dame studies in the philosophy of religion
 33 University of Oregon. Micronesia and South Pacific Program
 5 University of Oregon. Micronesia Technical Assistance Program
Book University of Pennsylvania publications in anthropology; no.2
University of the South Pacific. Library. Pacific collection See: Pacific collection.
Book University of the South Pacific, School of Law
 2 University of the South Pacific School of Law Occassional paper
 2 University of the South Pacific series
Book University of Washington. Publications in Anthropology
Book UNIX programming tools
 5 UNODA occasional papers
Book Unpublished report (South Pacific Commission. Coastal Fisheries Programme. Capture Section)
Book Unpublished report ; $v no. 3
Computer Untamed planet
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