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 4 United States Army in World War II. Special studies.
 11 United States Army in World War II. Technical services
 2 United States Army in World War II : The Army ground forces
Book United States Army in World War II. The Army Service Forces
 5 United States Army in World War II. The European theater of operations.
Book United States Army in World War II. The Mediterranean theater of operations
 13 United States Army in World War II. The Technical Services
 2 United States Army in World War II. The War Department
 4 United States Army in World War II : The war in the Pacific
 2 United States Army in World War II. War Department.
Book United States Army in World War II. War Deptartment.
 3 United States Army in World War II. War in the Pacific.
Book United States. |b Congress. |b Senate. |t S. hrg ; |v 99-1093. Congress. Senate
Serial United States. Coast Guard. Coast Guard publication
 3 United States Commercial Company. Economic survey of Micronesia.
Book United States Commercial Company (USCC)
Book United States. Congress (98th, 1st session: 1983) Senate, Executive reort;
Book United States. Congress (98th, 1st session : 1983). Senate. S. hrg.
Mixed United States. Congress (98th, 2nd session : 1984). Senate. Report
Book United States. Congress (98th, 2nd session: 1984) Senate. S. hrg.
 2 United States. Congress (99th, 1st session: 1985). House Report.
Mixed United States. Congress. House of Representatives. Report
 11 United States. Congress. House. Report
 3 United States. Congress. Senate.
Book United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Serial, 95th Congress
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