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Book United Nations legislative series.
Book United Nations legislative series = Série législative des Nations Unies
 2 United Nations publication
Book United Nations publications
Book United Nations. Trusteeship Council. Official records. Special supplement.
Book United States Army campaigns of World War II
Book United States Army historical series
Book United States Army in the Korean War
Book United States Army in the Korean War (Center of Military History)
 5 United States Army in Vietnam
Book United States Army in Worl War II. Army ground forces.
 4 United States Army in World War II
Book United States Army in World War II. Army ground forces.
 2 United States Army in World War II. European theater of operations.
Book United States Army in World War II. History of the War Department.
 2 United States Army in World War II. Mediterranean theater of operations.
Book United States Army in World War II. |p The Technical services
 2 United States Army in World War II. Pictorial record
 4 United States Army in World War II. Special studies.
 11 United States Army in World War II. Technical services
 2 United States Army in World War II : The Army ground forces
Book United States Army in World War II. The Army Service Forces
 5 United States Army in World War II. The European theater of operations.
Book United States Army in World War II. The Mediterranean theater of operations
 13 United States Army in World War II. The Technical Services
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