Series Search: Audit report ; no. 001-09
1956- : Research report
1959- : Uniform crime reports
1964- : Bibliographical series / Dag Hammarskjöld Library
1965-1974-<1986>: Publication / U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
1966-1974: FAO agricultural studies
1966-1976: Technical report series / World Health Organization
<1974->: [Document] - United Nations, ST/ESA/STAT/SER.R
1975-1976: FAO plant production and protection series
1975-1979: DHEW publication
1975-1980: U.S. Geological Survey water-data report
1976: FAO food and nutrition series
1977- : FAO plant production and protection paper,
1980-<1983>: Research extension series
<1981>-1992; 1994-<1996>; 1997-: S. prt.
1981- : Selected bibliography / University of the South Pacific
1983-<1991> : S. pub.
1984: Technical report / Papua New Guinea, Dept. of Primary Industries, Fisheries Division
1986-<1987>: COMDTINST
1986-<1993>: Publication
<1989>- 19 : DHHS publication
<1989, 1991->:
<1991-> : Audit report
<1991->: COMDTPUB ; P16502.6
<1993-> : S. prt.
1993 Yearbook of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
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