Series Search: UNIDIR
United States. Congress (98th, 1st session: 1983) Senate, Executive reort;
United States. Congress (98th, 1st session : 1983). Senate. S. hrg.
United States. Congress (98th, 2nd session : 1984). Senate. Report
United States. Congress (98th, 2nd session: 1984) Senate. S. hrg.
United States. Congress (99th, 1st session: 1985). House Report.
United States. Congress. House of Representatives. Report
United States. Congress. House. Report
United States. Congress. Senate.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Serial, 95th Congress
United States. Congress. Senate. Report
United States. Congress. Senate. Report; v. 106-240.
United States. Congress. Senate. S. hrg
United States congressional serial set
United States Department of Agriculture handbook
United States. Dept. of Education. NCES publication
United States. Dept. of State Publication
United States Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scietific Report:
United States government flight information publication.
United States in World War II. War in the Pacific.
United States maps. GE-90
United States. Marine Corps. Marine corps monographs
United States. National Archives and Records Service. National Archives inventory series
United States. National Bureau of Standards. Applied Mathematics series
United States National Museum. Bulletin
United States National Museum Bulletin 202
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