View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF.379 Pac.
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF.379 Pac. Genetic classification of the Austronesian language : a key to Oceanic history. Murdock, George P. IN
Mixed VerF.380 Pac. Protecting the ecology and quality of life in Pohnpei : controlling the brown tree snake and preventing its colonization of Micronesia. IN
Mixed VerF 381 Pac. The marine turtle situation in the Kingdom of Tonga. Wilkinson, W.A. IN
Mixed VerF 382 Pac. Tagging and rearing of the Green turtle Chelonia mydas conducted in French Polynesia by the Department of fisheries. IN
 2 VerF.383.94 Pac.
Mixed VerF 384 Pac. The turtle status in Tuvalu. Pita, E. IN
Mixed VerF.387 Pac. Anchor fish aggregation devices in Hawaiian waters. Matsumoto, Walter M. IN
Mixed VerF.422.50 Pac. Legal aspects of Trukese sexual customs. Gladwin, Thomas IN
 2 VerF.430.80 Pac.
Serial VerF 462.92 Pac. Abortion on Guam : Demographic trends and fertility data. IN
Mixed VerF.969.01 Pac. Early use of rice in Guam : the evidence from the historic records. IN
Mixed VerF 0001.41 Pac Bread-fruit, yams and taros of Ponape Island. Sasuke, Nakao IN
 2 VerF 0002.47 Pac
 2 VerF 0003.64 Pac
Mixed VerF 0004.72 Pac Trust Territory nationalist says "neutralize" Islands to avoid wartime suffering. Malone, Mike IN
 2 VerF 0005 Pac.
Mixed VerF 0008.83 Pac Pacific Information Centre. IN
Mixed VerF 0009.68 Pac Assessing U.S. Micronesia role. Hunter, Gene IN
Mixed VerF 0010.83 Pac Nimboran migration to Jayapura and rural-urban linkages. Rumbiak, Michael. IN
Mixed VerF 0011.84 Pac The tree and the canoe : roots and mobility in Vanuatu societies. Bonnemaison, Joel, 1940- IN
Book VerF 0013.83 Pac The Navigators : pathfinders of the Pacific. IN
Mixed VerF 0014.67 Pac The Polynesian. Burdick, Eugene, 1918-l965. IN
Mixed VerF 0015.70 Pac Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Mink, Patsy T. IN
Mixed VerF 0015.71 Pac Micronesia our bungled trust. Mink, Patsy T. IN
Mixed VerF.0016 Pac. The birds of Saphwuahfik atoll, with first of the Grey Wagtail, Motacilla cinera, from the Federated States of Micronesia. Buden, D.W. IN
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