View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF.1005 Pac.
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF.1005 Pac. State of the union address : delivered to the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia. Micronesia (Federated States). President (1999-2003: Falcam). IN
Mixed VerF.1005.1 Pac. President of the Federated States of Micronesia : before the General Assembly of the United Nations at its fifty-sixth session. Micronesia (Federated States). President (1999-2003: Falcam). IN
Mixed VerF.1006.1 Pac. Why was Christ crucified? : a new book by a catholic expert expounds on the complex reasons why Jewish leaders sought his death. Ostling, Richard IN
Mixed VerF.1007 Pac. The Ecology of resettlement schemes. Palmer, Gary IN
 4 VerF 1008 Pac.
 2 VerF 1008.99
Mixed VerF 1010 Pac. Assessment of the coconut crab (Birgus latro) population on the Naval computer and Telecommunication Master Station. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services. IN
Serial VerF 1010.05 Pac. Distribution, abundance and management of potential commercial holothurians in Pohnpei Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia. IN
Serial VerF 1010.05 Pac. c. 2 Distribution, abundance and management of potential commercial holothurians in Pohnpei Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia. IN
Book VerF. 1011 Pac. Earth and planetary science letters. IN
Serial VerF 1012.10 Pac. Commentary on 'Family obligations in Micronesian cultures : implications for educators'. Bishop, Russell. IN
 2 VerF 1012.11 Pac.
 2 VerF 1013.14 Pac.
Mixed VerF 1014 Pac. Palau Youth Tobacco Survey 2001 factsheet. Whipps, Valerie N. IN
Book VerF.1100 Pac. Police : Man yelled 'liars' before killing 3 in church. IN
Book VerF 1101.2012 Pac. Commercial coral-reef fisheries across Micronesia : A need for improving management. Mcllwain, J. L.; P. Houk. K. Rhodes; J. Cuestos-Bueno; S. Lindfield; et. al. IN
Book VerF.1102.2013 Pac. Cultural and socio-economic determinants of energy consumption on small remote islands. Lenzen, Manfred IN
Mixed VerF.1116 Pac. no.1 Dublon Municipal ordinance. IN
Mixed VerF.1116 Pac. no.2 Dublon Municipal ordinance. IN
Mixed VerF.1116 Pac. no.4 Dublon Municipal ordinance. IN
Mixed VerF.1116 Pac. no.5 Dublon Municipal ordinance. IN
 2 VerF 1117 Pac.
 3 VerF. 1118 Pac.
Mixed VerF 1119 Pac. The underwater cultural heritage of the Federated States of Micronesia. Jeffrey, Bill IN
Mixed VerF 1120 Pac. Understanding land issues and their impact on Tourism Development : A political economy analysis of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. IN
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