View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Ref.TR800.C83 1989
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Ref.TR800.C83 1989 A manual of underwater photography. Couet, Heinz-Gert de. IN
Book Ref.TR800.R67 1983 The underwater photographer's handbook. Rowlands, Peter, 1952- IN
Book Ref.TR858.S285 2007 Filming the fantastic : a guide to visual effect cinematography. Sawicki, Mark. IN
Book Ref.TR860.M11 2004 The essential digital video handbook : a comprehensive guide to making videos that make money. May, Pete (Peter Francis), 1953- IN
Book Ref.TR897.P95 2007 Dialogue editing for motion pictures : a guide to the invisible art. Purcell, John, 1957- IN
Book Ref.TS192.H44 The complete handbook of maintenance management. Heintzelman, John E., 1931- IN
Book Ref.TS520.P54 1995 The complete book of locks & locksmithing. Phillips, Bill. IN
 17 Ref.TT9.F21 1974
Book Ref.TT697.U8 1998 The Ultimate crafts compedium: 300 stunning, easy-to-make craft projects for the home, photographed step by step. IN
Book Ref.TT919.5.H35 1975 The potter's dictionary of materials and techniques. Hamer, Frank. IN
Book Ref.TX158.E45 1994 The encyclopedia of country living : an old fashioned recipe book. Emery, Carla. IN
Book Ref.TX326.D332 1994 Tightwad Gazette II : promoting thrift as a viable alternative lifestyle. Dacyczyn, Amy. IN
 2 Ref.TX335.C663 2004
Book Ref.TX349.D36 1999 The Oxford companion to food. Davidson, Alan, 1924- IN
Book Ref.TX349.S74 1981 The cook's encyclopedia : ingredients and processes. Stobart, Tom. IN
Book Ref.TX353.B77 2011 The food and culture around the world handbook. Brittin, Helen Clark. IN
Book Ref.TX551.K73 The dictionary of sodium, fats, and cholesterol. Kraus, Barbara. IN
Book Ref.TX551.N396 1995 The fat counter. Natow, Annette B. IN
Book Ref.TX715.T36 2010 The old farmer's almanac : calculated on a new and improved plan for the year of our Lord 2011. Thomas, Robert Bailey. IN
Book Ref.U19.H36 1985 Dictionary of military and naval quotations. Heinl, Robert Debs, 1916- IN
Book Ref.U27.R348 1996 The reader's companion to military history. IN
Book Ref.U263.A434 1989 The peace and nuclear war dictionary. Ali, Sheikh Rustum. IN
Book Ref.U264.D53 2002 Nuclear weapons and nonproliferation : a reference handbook. Diehl, Sarah J. IN
 3 Ref.U408.5.A834 2017
Book Ref.U408.5.H69 2000 How to prepare for the Armed Forces test--ASVAB, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. IN
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