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 11 Ref.BS491.2.I55
Book Ref.BS500.G7 1984 A short history of the interpretation of the Bible. Grant, Robert McQueen, 1917- IN
Book Ref.BS537 .E96 Expository dictionary of New Testament words : a comprehensive dictionary of the original Greek words with their precise meanings for English readers. Vine, W.E. (William Edwy), 1873-1949. IN
Book Ref.BS551.2. S64 1995 Who's who in the Old Testament. Sommerville, Donald. IN
Book Ref.BS570.W56 1993 Who's who in the Bible : two volumes in one. IN
Book Ref.BS620.N37 1967 Everyday life in Bible times. National Geographic Book Service. IN
Book Ref.BS621.F36 2003 A guide to biblical sites in Greece and Turkey. Fant, Clyde E. IN
Book Ref.BS630.O96 2007 Oxford Bible atlas. IN
Book Ref.BS647.2.D76 1998 The bible code. Drosnin, Michael IN
Book Ref.BS2025.Z65 1970 The layman's parallel New Testament : King James version, the Amplified New Testament, the Living New Testament, Revised standard version. IN
Book Ref.BS2832.A2 1979 The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels, Epistles, and other pieces now extant attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, His Apostles and their companions not included, by its compilers, in the authorized New Testament; and Syriac Mss. of Pilate's letters to Tiberius, etc. IN
Book Ref.BT75.2.E74 1985 Christian theology. Erickson, Millard J. IN
Book Ref.BT77.C47 1995 The Christian theology reader. IN
Book Ref.BT98.A65 1993 A history of God : the 400-year quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Armstrong, Karen. IN
Book Ref.BT102.O32 1992 The living God; systematic theology : volume one. Oden, Thomas C. IN
Book Ref.BT130.T65 1992 The knowledge of the holy : the attributes of God, their meaning in the Christian life. Tozer, A. W. (Aiden Wilson), 1897-1963. IN
Book Ref.BT198.P44 1997 The illustrated Jesus through the centuries. Pelikan, Jaroslav Jan, 1923- IN
Book Ref.BT304.92.S56 1997 Gospel truth : the new image of Jesus emerging from science and history, and why it matters. Shorto, Russell. IN
Book Ref.BV210.2.P72 1991 The promise of prayer : true stories from Guideposts about the power of prayer. IN
Book Ref.BV1465.G36 1983 Christian education : its history and philosophy. Gangel, Kenneth O. IN
Book Ref.BX6.3.V36 1994 Historical dictionary of ecumenical Christianity. Van der Bent, A. J. (Ans Joachim) IN
Book Ref.BX955.2.M387 1998 Chronicle of the popes : the reign-by-reign record of the papacy from St. Peter to the present; with 308 illustrations, 105 color. IN
Book Ref.BX4012.C86 2009 The illustrated encyclopedia of Catholicism : a comprehensive guide to Buddhist history, philosophy and practice of Catholic Christianity, with more than 500 beautiful illustrations. Creighton-Jobe, Ronald. IN
 5 Ref.BX8605.5.E62 1992
Book Ref.BX8623.S66 1987 The Book of Mormon : another testament of Jesus Christ. IN
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