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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book RJ503.J66 1980 Adolescents with behavior problems : strategies for teaching, counseling, and parent involvement. Jones, Vernon F., 1945- IN
Book RJ503.P43S39 2000 Early years play : a happy medium for assessment and intervention. Sayeed, Zahirun IN
Book RJ503.W67 1991 Adolescents and their families : an introduction to assessment and intervention. Worden, Mark, 1947- IN
Book RJ504.E38 1966 Children of time and space, of action and impulse : clinical studies on the psychoanalytic treatment of severely disturbed children. Ekstein, Rudolf. IN
Book RJ505.B5U844 1999 Using literature to help troubled teenagers cope with identity issues. IN
Book RJ505.P6P524 2000 Play diagnosis and assessment. IN
Book RJ506.A9A8 2007 Autism and pervasive developmental disorders. IN
Book RJ506.A9A86 2006 Asperger syndrome in adolescence : living with the ups, the downs and things in between. IN
Book RJ506.A9B63 2008 Healing the new childhood epidemics : autism, ADHD, asthma, and allergies : the groundbreaking program for the 4-A disorders. Bock, Kenneth, 1953- IN
Book RJ506.A9C45 1989 Children with autism : a parents' guide. IN
Book RJ506.A9C76 2009 Special-needs kids eat right : strategies to help kids on the autism spectrum focus, learn, and thrive. Converse, Judy. IN
Book RJ506.A9G74 2006 Engaging autism : using the floortime approach to help children relate, communicate, and think. Greenspan, Stanley I. IN
Book RJ506.A9G82 2005 Floortime DVD training guide : the basics: relating and communicating. Greenspan, Stanley I. IN
Book RJ506.A9M19 2008 Reaching and teaching the child with autism spectrum disorder : using learning preferences and strengths. MacKenzie, Heather. IN
Book RJ506.A9S1 2003 The boy who loved windows : opening the heart and mind of a child threatened with autism. Stacey, Patricia. IN
Book RJ506.A9S3 1991 The sound of a miracle : a child's triumph over autism. Stehli, Annabel. IN
Book RJ506.A9S53 2008 Autism life skills : from communication and safety to self-esteem and more- 10 essential abilities every child needs and deserves to learn. Sicile-Kira, Chantal. IN
Book RJ506.A33T74 2008 Treating childhood behavioral and emotional problems : a step-by-step, evidence-based approach. IN
Book RJ506.A58M55 2008 Living with anxiety disorders. Miller, Allen R. IN
Book RJ506.B44B59 1996 Skills training for children with behavior disorders : a parent and therapist guidebook. Bloomquist, Michael L. IN
Book RJ506.B44C36 2002 Behavior problems in preschool children : clinical and developmental issues. Campbell, Susan B. IN
Book RJ506.B44E75 1998 Behavior disorders of children and adolescents : assessment, etiology, and intervention. Erickson, Marilyn T. IN
Book RJ506.B44H26 1998 Handbook of parent training : parents as co-therapists for children's behavior problems. IN
Book RJ506.D4C9 1994 Depression. Cush, Cathie, 1957- OUT
Book RJ506.D4M61 2008 Living with depression. Miller, Allen R. IN
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