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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book QA76.P25 2011 Computer concepts : illustrated introductory. Parsons, June Jamrich. IN
Book QA76.P28N48 1995 New perspectives on computer concepts. Parsons, June Jamrich. IN
Book QA76.S4 2011 Discovering computers 2011 : living in a digital world : complete. Shelly, Gary B. IN
Book QA76.S5159 2000 The bit and the pendulum : from quantum computing to M theory-- the new physics of information. Siegfried, Tom. IN
Book QA8.4.T79 2009 What is a number? : mathematical concepts and their origins. Tubbs, Robert, 1954- IN
Book QA802.W47 1977 The construction of modern science : mechanisms and mechanics. Westfall, Richard S. IN
Book QA9.G32 1996 Introduction to mathematical structures and proofs. Gerstein, Larry J. IN
Book QA9.H25 1996 Mathematician's mind : the psychology of invention in the mathematical field. Hadamard, Jacques. IN
Book QA93.C38 1996 Five golden rules : great theories of 20th-century mathematics and why they matter. Casti, J. L. IN
Book QA93.F34 1995 Math odyssey 2000 : puzzles, mysteries, unsolved problems, breakthroughs, and the people of mathematics. Fablo, Clement E. IN
Book QA93.G76M66 1994 Groups for undergraduates. Moody, John. IN
Book QA93.H58 1968 Mathematics for the million : How to master the magic of numbers. Hogben, Lancelot Thomas, 1895- IN
Book QA93.H87 1996 The complete how to figure it. Huff, Darrell. IN
Book QA93.S734 1996 From here to infinity : a guide to today's mathematics. Stewart, Ian. IN
Serial QB1.R18 2007 State of the universe 2007 : new images, discoveries and events. Ratcliffe, Martin IN
Book QB136.K57 2010 Space and astronomy : notable research and discoveries. Kirkland, Kyle. IN
Book QB16.D68 1950 A concise history of astronomy. Doig, Peter, 1882- IN
Book QB16.I5 1979 In search of ancient astronomies. IN
Book QB209.G72 1969 Time. Goudsmit, Samuel Abraham, 1902- IN
Book QB209.R54 1987 Time wars : the primary conflict in human history. Rifkin, Jeremy. IN
Book QB211.F56 1990 International time tables. Fitzpatrick, Gary L., 1947- IN
Book QB223.H84 1980 Greenwich time and the discovery of the longitude. Howse, Derek. IN
Book QB334.W49 1990 A journey into gravity and spacetime. Wheeler, John Archibald, 1911- IN
Book QB36.G2C27 1998 The Cambridge companion to Galileo. IN
Book QB36.G2G313 Discoveries and opinions of Galileo. Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642. IN
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