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  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.UA876.O3R44 1989
 2 Pac.UA876.P3U5 1945
Book Pac.UA876.P65F75 2001 Creating an American lake : United States imperialism and strategic security in the Pacific Basin, 1945-1947. Friedman, Hal M., 1965- IN
 3 Pac.UA995.M35U5
Book Pac.UB250.C3E53 Enemy positions : Caroline Islands : Volume I: Ponape District. Intelligence Center. Pacific Ocean Areas. IN
Book Pac.UB251.F7R63 1986 Eyes of fire : the last voyage of the Rainbow Warrior. Robie, David. IN
Book Pac.UB251.O3B33 Getting behind the coral curtain: beginning of American and Japanese intelligence gathering activities in the Pacific. Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony, 1939- IN
 2 Pac.UF767.L27
Book Pac.UF767.R47 The forbidden voyage. Reynolds, Earle L. IN
Book Pac.UF890.U55 1994 Radiation exposure from Pacific nuclear tests : oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Natural Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, second session ... hearing held in Washington, DC, February 24, 1994. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Natural Resources. Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. IN
 2 Pac.UG441.G85A73 1994
Book Pac.UG465.E5M59 Military geology of Tinian, Mariana Islands. IN
Book Pac.UG635.J3D38 1970 Japan, the air menace of the Pacific. Davis, W. Jefferson (Warren Jefferson), b. 1885. IN
Book Pac.UG1242.B6K57 1988 Post-World War II bombers, 1945-1973. IN
Book Pac.UG1282.A8O3713 2011 The day the sun rose in the west : Bikini, the Lucky Dragon, and I. Oishi, Matashichi. IN
Book Pac.V13.U5E95 1986 Memories & memorials : the World War II U.S. Navy : 40 years after victory. Ewing, Steve. IN
Book Pac.V13.U6H65a Annual report. Hawaii Maritime Center. IN
Book Pac.V63.N55P67 Nimitz. Potter, E. B. (Elmer Belmont), 1908- IN
Book Pac.V63.R53A33 1974 On the treadmill to Pearl Harbor : the memoirs of Admiral James O. Richardson as told to George C. Dyer. Richardson, James O. (James Otto), 1878-1974. IN
Book Pac.V63.S68B8 1987 The quiet warrior: a biography of Admiral Raymond A. Spruance. Buell, Thomas B. IN
Book Pac.V210.L63 Sink 'em all : submarine warfare in the Pacific. Lockwood, Charles A., 1890-1967. IN
Book Pac.V245.F75 2013 Blue versus Orange : the U.S. Naval War College, Japan, and the Old Enemy in the Pacific. Friedman, Hal M., 1965- IN
Book Pac.V420.F748 2017 Blue versus purple : the U.S. Naval War College, the Soviet Union, and the new enemy in the Pacific. Friedman, Hal M., 1965- IN
Book Pac.VA50.B87 1970 Sea-power in the Pacific; a study of the American-Japanese naval problem. Bywater, Hector C. (Hector Charles), 1884-1940. IN
Book Pac.VA50.D45 1970 War in the Pacific; a study of navies, peoples, and battle problems. Denlinger, Sutherland, 1900- IN
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