View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.TD324.G8T4 no.81
  Call Number Title Author Status
 48 Pac.TD324.G8T3 1976-77
 2 Pac.TD324.K87 W37
 2 Pac.TD324.M3A1 1967
 21 Pac.TD324.M5B29 1978
 3 Pac.TD324.P7P3 1980 c.1
 2 Pac.TD324.P59W38
 5 Pac.TD324.Y3L86 1982
Book Pac.TD345.C69 Water supply. Cox, Doak C. IN
Book Pac.TD345.R36 1977 Life on Guam : freshwater. Raulerson, Lynn IN
Book Pac.TD353.03 2014 Audit of ADB grant assistance : Weno water supply well remediation project for fiscal years 2012 and 2013. Office of the National Public Auditor. Federated States of Micronesia. IN
 3 Pac.TD365.B55
Book Pac.TD365.T43 Third regional seminar on environmental health: planning and financing of municipal water and sewage works, 18-27 May 1971, Manila, Philippines. World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Western Pacific. IN
Book Pac.TD365.U56 Design criteria for water supply : sewerage and electrical systems in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 30 August 1978. United States Navy Pacific Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. IN
Book Pac.TD365.U84 Use of T-17 membrane for water catchment Majuro airfield 1970 to 1975. IN
Book Pac.TD365.Y64 1977 Sanitary survey of major municipal water systems : Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Young, Marvin W. H. [et al.] IN
Book Pac.TD388.M5F52 1996 Fiscal year 1995 program report : grant no. 14-08-0001-G2014 for U.S. Department of the Interior [and] Geological Survey. Water and Energy Research Institute of the Western Pacific. IN
Book Pac.TD391.E58 1977 Environmental assessments for Truk district capital improvements infrastructure including Moen water system, Dublon water system, Moen roadway and causeway. IN
Book Pac.TD391.T78 1967 Dublon water project. Truk District. Community Development Office. IN
Book Pac.TD391.W38 1980 Water resources development plan for Moen island, Truk ECI. IN
Book Pac.TD395.P7A7 1969 Bid, specifications contract and bond for the construction of Ponape water and sewerage systems project no.2, Ponape, Caroline Islands. Austin, Smith & Associates, Inc., IN
Book Pac.TD395.Y3B53 Bid, specifications, contract and bond for the construction of Yap water and sewerage systems Islands of Yap, Yap District. Sunn, Low, Tom & Hara, Inc. IN
Book Pac.TD418.W38H64 1983 Construction of a water storage tank for Micronesia : a technical report. Hogge, Ralph L., IN
Book Pac.TD424.35.M625P66 Ponape District capital improvement program Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : erosion and sedimentation control plan. IN
Book Pac.TD424.8.P33 1971 Region nine contingency plan: appendix 5. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). IN
Book Pac.TD424.8.R44 1971 Region nine contingency plan: appendix 4, Territory of Guam. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). IN
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