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  Call Number Title Author Status
 27 Pac.SH203.S22 2007
Serial Pac.SH214.B68 Bottomfish and Seamount Groundfish Fisheries of the Western Pacific Region : annual report. IN
 2 Pac.SH214.P45 1998
Book Pac.SH214.W47 1986 Combined fishery management plan, environmental assessment and regulatory impact review for the bottomfish and seamount groundfish fisheries of the Western Pacific region. Western Pacific Fishery Management Council (U.S.) IN
 2 Pac.SH214.W48 1988
Book Pac.SH214.2.M36 1982 The management of marine regions : the North Pacific : an analysis of issues relating to fisheries, marine transportation, marine scientific research, and multiple use conditions and conflicts. IN
Book Pac.SH214.6.G85 1991 Study of the longline fishery on Guam : assessment of the market and economic impacts. IN
Book Pac.SH214.6.H35 1997 Cost-earnings study of Hawaii's small boat fishery, 1995-1996. Hamilton, Marcia S. IN
Book Pac.SH214.6.M5H54 Analysis of the effort, catch and catch-per-effort of the Japanese tuna longline fishery in the extended economic zone of the Federated States of Micronesia, 1964 - 1978 : II (catch in numbers) / by H. Burne Hill. Hill, H.Burne IN
 2 Pac SH214.6.P33 1994
Book Pac.SH214.6.R5 1993 Long range strategic plan for FSM National Aquaculture Center. Riley, John. IN
 4 Pac.SH214.7.S68
 5 Pac.SH214.7.S69 1999 c.2
Book Pac.SH221.5.P32I47 2005 Improving fishery management : melding science and governance : summary proceedings from a symposium held at the University of Washington, Seattle, November 15-16, 2004. IN
 2 Pac.SH222.H3H33 1979
Book Pac.SH234.T73 1992 Technology transfer between Pacific Latin American countries and Pacific Island nations in post-harvest fisheries technology : study tour report, April 1991. Trans-Pacific Fisheries Consultative Committee. IN
Book Pac.SH295.F57 1988 Fishing industry in Asia and the Pacific. IN
Book Pac.SH301.F57 1949 Report of a survey of the tuna fishery in Palau waters. IN
Book Pac.SH301.H37 1949 Report of the progress of experimental tuna fishing near Woleai. Hasegawa, Kiichi IN
 3 Pac.SH301.I34 1949
Book Pac.SH301.I53 1949 Report of oceanographic changes and fishing conditions in Palau waters. Inanami, Yoshiyuki IN
Book Pac.SH301.M37 1941 Marshall Islands fishery investigations 1926-27. IN
Book Pac.SH307.O3I5 2004 Information on fisheries in individual Pacific Island countries. IN
Mixed Pac.SH307.O35C37 Oceania's birthright : the role of rights-based management in Tuna fisheries of the Western and Central Pacific. Cartwright, I. IN
 2 Pac.SH307.P5V58 2007
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