View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.GN671.T7B54
  Call Number Title Author Status
 10 Pac.GN671.T7B54
 4 Pac.GN671.T8E34 vol.1
 3 Pac.GN671.T46H86 1996
 2 Pac.GN671.T77R42
 4 Pac.GN671.T88B47 2009
 7 Pac.GN671.Y3B364 2018
 2 Pac.GN710.E53 2001 v.3
 4 Pac.GN751.C46 1988
Book Pac.GN761.P55S65 2009 The making of Pingelapese fly fishing canoe (Pinglapese version). Solomon, Stenson IN
Book Pac.GN772.42.O25D56 2003 Impact of mid-holocene hydro-isostatic highstand in regional sea level on habitability of islands in Pacific Oceania. Dickinson, William R. IN
 2 Pac.GN778.42.M5D45 c.2
Book Pac.GN780.52.M625G35 2000 Nan Madol et le peuplement ancien de la MicroneŽsie : rapport preŽliminaire de la mission de recherche qui s'est deŽrouleŽe du 2 septembre au 2 octobre 1999 a` Ponape (I^les Carolines). Galipaud, Jean-Christophe IN
Book Pac.GN790.H77N11 1999 Hope pukerane : a study of religious sites in Roviana, New Georgia, Solomon Islands. IN
 2 Pac.GN790.M97 1992
 3 Pac.GN792.P3H5 1973
Book Pac.GN792.P7M13 2012 Sourcing the megalithic stones of Nan Madol : an XRF study of architectural basalt stone from Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. McCoy, Mark D. IN
 2 Pac.GN799.A8E975 2007
 6 Pac.GN799.P4C6
Book Pac.GN799.P66R3 1999 Symposium: art, cognition and belief : interpreting Pohnpei petroglyphs. Rainbird, Paul. IN
Book Pac.GN830.I53 Indigenous people - who are they?/. IN
 7 Pac.GN851.A84
Book Pac.GN855.I6B45 1997 Prehistory of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago. Bellwood, Peter S. IN
Book Pac.GN855.P5C68 1983 An archaeological perspective of Panay Island, Philippines. Coutts, P. J. F. (Peter J. F.) IN
Book Pac.GN855.S68S93 Sunda ans Sahul : prehistoric studies in South-East Asia, Melanesia and Australia. IN
 2 Pac.GN871.B44 1979
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