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 3 Pac.DS820.8.P33
Book Pac.DS821.A69 As the Japanese see it : past and present. IN
Book Pac.DS821.C587 1984 The Japanese mind. Christopher, Robert C., 1924- IN
Book Pac.DS821.E53 The Japanese nation, a social survey. Embree, John F. (John Fee), 1908-1950. IN
Book Pac.DS821.H38 1970 Psychology of the Japanese people. Minami, Hiroshi, 1914-2001. IN
 2 Pac.DS821.J3O913 1968
Book Pac.DS821.L346 Japanese patterns of behavior. Lebra, Takie Sugiyama, 1930- IN
 2 Pac.DS832.5 .O55 2002 c.2
Book Pac.DS849.P3.O64 One third of the world : articles about the islands in the Pacific: Japanese in the Pacific. IN
Book Pac.DS881.8.H34 1990 With Perry to Japan : a memoir. Heine, Wilhelm, 1827-1885. IN
Book Pac.DS885.5.Y3A713 The reluctant admiral : Yamamoto and the Imperial Navy. Agawa, Hiroyuki, 1920- IN
Book Pac.DS888.5.K355 1970 The United States and Japan in the Pacific ; American naval maneuvers and Japan's Pacific policy. Kasai, Jiuji George, 1886- IN
Book Pac.DS888.5.K4613 2006 From Marco Polo Bridge to Pearl Harbor : who was responsible?. IN
Book Pac.DS894.39.F8385T88 2018 Fukushima = Fukushima, 2011-2017. Tsuchida, Hiromi, 1939- photographer. IN
Book Pac.DS894.99.O37S3 1987 A brief history of early Okinawa based on the Omoro Soshi. Sakihara, Mitsugu, 1928- IN
Serial Pac.DS895.R98R95 1970 Ryukyu Islands facts book. Ryukyu Islands (United States Civil Administration, 1950-1972). Office of the Comptroller. IN
Book Pac.DS922.2.P3A52 Bridge of cooperation with Oceania; President Park visits Australia and New Zealand. Korea (South). Munhwa Kongbobu. IN
Book Pac.DT6.G34 1959 Aferika: A book for social studies classes in the Elementary Schools of Truk District. Gallemore, Virginia. IN
Book Pac.DT433.28 .B46 A3 1992 A dissolving dream : a New Zealander in Amin's Uganda. Benson, Heather. IN
Book Pac.DT670.B87 1981 Polynesians. Burt, Ben OUT
Book Pac.DU1.A8 1963 v.1:3 Australian Territories. IN
Book Pac.DU1.A852 1984 Australia-South Pacific newsletter. IN
Book Pac.DU1.C27 1978 A method for the evaluation of tourism impact in the Pacific. Rajotte, Freda. IN
 10 Pac.DU1.C46 1999
Mixed Pac.DU1.C665 v.12:1, 2000 The Pacific Islands and the globalization agenda. Firth, Stewart. OUT
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