View previous page View next page Call Number Search: GN270.M36 1970
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book GN270.M36 1970 Man and his culture: psychoanalytic anthropology after "Totem and taboo."/. IN
Book GN270.S48 1991 Thinking through cultures : expeditions in cultural psychology. Shweder, Richard A. IN
Book GN273.C65 1996 Cultural psychology : a once and future discipline. Cole, Michael, 1938- IN
Book GN28.4.D43 1995 The ape-man within. De Camp, L. Sprague, (Lyon Sprague), 1907- IN
Book GN281.4.C13 2002 A brain for all seasons : human evolution and abrupt climate change. Calvin, William H., 1939- IN
Book GN281.4.E374 2000 Human natures : genes, cultures, and the human prospect. Ehrlich, Paul R. IN
Book GN281.4.M55 1996 The prehistory of the mind : the cognitive origins of art and science. Mithen, Steven IN
Book GN281.C35 1974 Human evolution; an introduction to man's adaptations. Campbell, Bernard Grant. IN
Book GN281.C45 1972 Climbing man's family tree; a collection of major writings on human phylogeny, 1699 to 1971. IN
Book GN281.C3813 1995 The great human Diaspora : the history of diversity and evolution. Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (Luigi Luca), 1922- OUT
Book GN281.E2 1972 The missing link. Edey, Maitland Armstrong, 1910- IN
Book GN281.L52 1988 In the age of mankind : a Smithsonian book of human evolution. Lewin, Roger. IN
Book GN281.L55 1993 The origin of modern humans. Lewin, Roger. IN
Book GN281.S87 1997 African exodus : the origins of modern humanity. Stringer, Chris, 1947- IN
Book GN281.W19 1992 Human origins : tracing humanity's evolution. Warburton, Lois, 1938- IN
Book GN283.25.J63 1981 Lucy, the beginnings of humankind. Johanson, Donald C. IN
Book GN285.C66 1973 The Neanderthals. Constable, George. IN
Book GN296.H45 1994 Culture, health, and illness : an introduction for health professionals. Helman, Cecil, 1944-2009. IN
Book GN296.M87 1980 Theories of illness : a world survey. Murdock, George Peter, 1897- IN
Book GN307.7.V36 1988 Tales of the field : on writing ethnography. Van Maanen, John. IN
Book GN316.F47 2010 Cultural anthropology : an applied perspective. Ferraro, Gary IN
Book GN316.H38 2008 Cultural anthropology : the human challenge. IN
Book GN316.K67 2002 Cultural anthropology. Kottak, Phillip Conrad IN
Book GN316.K84 2005 Mirror For Humanity : a concise introduction to cultural anthropology. Kottak, Conrad Phillip. IN
Book GN316.S38 1998 Cultural anthropology : a perspective on the human condition. Schultz, Emily A. (Emily Ann), 1949- IN
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