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FAO.SH3.F24 no.30
Fisheries and aquaculture emergency response guidance : review recommendations for best practice : FAO Workshop, 15-16 March 2012, Rome.
FAO Workshop on Fisheries and Aquaculture Emergency Response Guidance: Review Recommendations for Best Practice (2012 : Rome, Italy)
FAO.SH3.F27 2011 no.19
FAO.SH20.3.C74 2008
Glossary of aquaculture.
Crespi, Valerio.
Report of the seventh session of the Scientific Advisory Committee : Rome, 19-22 October 2004 = Rapport de la septieme session du Comite scientifique consultatif : Rome, 19-22 octobre 2004.
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). Scientific Advisory Committee. Meeting (7th : 2004 : Rome, Italy)
FAO.SH105.3.C79 2012
Lesson from HPIA: technical stocktaking of outputs, outcomes, best practices and lessons learned from the fight against highly pathogenic avian influenza in Asia, 2005-2011.
FAO.SH121.F26 2003
Report of the FAO-WARDA Workshop on Integrated Irrigation Aquaculture : Bamako, Mali, 4-7 November 2003 = Rapport de l'Atelier de la FAO-ADRAO sur l'intégration de l'irrigation et l'aquaculture : Bamako, Mali, 4-7 novembre 2003.
FAO-WARDA Workshop on Integrated Irrigation Aquaculture (2003 : Bamako, Mali)
FAO.SH125.A358I58 2006
Integrated irrigation and aquaculture in West Africa : concepts, practices and potential.
FAO.SH135.F36 2012
Report of the FAO Expert Workshop on Assessment and Monitoring of Aquaculture Sector Performance : Gaeta, Italy, 5-7 November 2012.
FAO Expert Workshop on Assessment and Monitoring of Aquaculture Sector Performance (2012 : Gaeta, Italy)
FAO.SH135.S77 2008
Strategy and outline plan for improving information on status and trends of aquaculture = Strate?gie et plan visant a? ame?liorer l'information sur la situation et les tendances de l'aquaculture = Estrategia y plan para mejorar la informacio?n sobre la situacio?n y las tendencias de la acuicultura.
FAO.SH135.T43 2011
Technical guidelines on aquaculture certification = Directives techniques relative a? la certification en aquaculture = Directrices te?cnicas para la certificacio?n en la acuicultura.
FAO.SH136.F44O5 2013
On-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture.
FAO.SH157.8.I55 2008
Inland fisheries.
FAO.SH157.85.F56F574 2002
Fish passes : design, dimensions and monitoring.
FAO.SH175.K57 2007
Checklist of the parasites of fishes of Latvia.
Kirjus?ina, Muza.
FAO.SH213.4.I53 2011
Indicators for the sustainable development of finfish Mediterranean aquaculture : highlights from the InDAM Project.
FAO.SH312.N8G85 2009
Guidelines for acoustic surveys in the northwest African regions = Directives pour les campagnes acoustiques dans la re?gion de l'Afrique du Nord-Ouest.
FAO.SH312.N67S95 2012
Science and management of small pelagics : Symposium on Science and the Challenge of Managing Small Pelagic Fisheries on Shared Stocks in Northwest Africa = Science et ameÌ?nagement des petits peÌ?lagiques : Symposium sur la science et le deÌ?fi de l'ameÌ?nagement des peÌ‚cheries de petits peÌ?lagiques sur les stocks partageÌ?s en Afrique nord-occidentale : 11-14 March 2008, Casablanca, Morocco.
Symposium on Science and the Challenge of Managing Small Pelagic Fisheries on Shared Stocks in Northwest Africa (2008 : Casablanca, Morocco)
FAO.SH327.5.W66 2007
Globalisation and fisheries : proceedings of an OECD-FAO workshop.
Workshop on the Challenges and Opportunities of Fisheries Globalisation (2007 : Paris, France)
FAO.SH327.6.F36 2012
Report of the FAO Workshop on Bycatch Management and Low-impact Fishing : Kuwait City, the State of Kuwait, 9-12 December 2012.
FAO Workshop on Bycatch Management and Low-impact Fishing (2012 : Kuwait City)
FAO.SH327.65.S42G55 2009
FAO.SH328.A694 2008
FAO.SH328.B76 2005
Model plan for a Pacific Island country : national plan of action to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
Brown, Colin.
FAO.SH328.F37 1998
Responsible fish utilization.
FAO.SH328.F475 2009