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  Call Number Title Author Status
 29 Doc.JX4408.L344
Book Doc.JX4421.A34 1994 Agreement relating to the implementation of part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982. IN
 2 Doc.JZ675.Y83 2009
Book Doc.JZ1313.M66 2009 Momentum for multilateralism : building global consensus and capacity for action : annual report 2009 = Le renouveau du multilate?ralisme : renforcer le consensus mondial et les capacite?s d'action : rapport annuel 2009. IN
Book Doc.JZ1318.A315 2012 Reclaiming multilateralism : for people, rights and sustainable development. Adams, Barbara (Global policy advisor) IN
Book Doc.JZ4936.O73 2006 Translating commitments into action : = Traduire les engagements en actes. Ordzhonikidze, Sergi. IN
 5 Doc.JZ4945.Y43
Book Doc.JZ4970.U55 2000 United Nations correspondence manual : a guide to the drafting processing, and dispatch of official United Nations communications. United Nations. Dept. of General Assembly Affairs Conference Services. IN
Book Doc.JZ4970.U57 2005 A glossary of terms for UN delegates. United Nations Institute for Training and Research. IN
Book Doc.JZ4970.U658 2008 United Nations today. IN
Book Doc.JZ4997.5.G68 2009 EU-UN cooperation in peacebuilding : partners in practice?. Gourlay, Catriona. IN
Book Doc.JZ5005.O73 2007 Delivering better for peace, development and human rights 2007 = Mieux servir la paix, le de´veloppement et les droits de l'homme 2007. Ordzhonikidze, Sergi. IN
 6 Doc.JZ5006.5.R46 2007
 4 Doc.JZ5007.I64 2008
Book Doc.JZ5008.A56 2006 Meeting the challenges of a changing world : the annual report on the work of the organization, 2006. Annan, Kofi A. (Kofi Atta) IN
Serial Doc.JZ5010.2744.U55 Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. United Nations. Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, IN
Book Doc.JZ5538.H36 2008 Putting economic governance at the heart of peacebuilding. Hamilton, Geoffrey, 1956- IN
Book Doc.JZ5538.R425 2004 Reconstructing governance and public administration for peaceful, sustainable development. IN
Book Doc.JZ5584.A35P73 2006 ECOSOC ad hoc advisory groups on African countries emerging from conflict : the silent avant-garde. Prantl, Jochen, 1967- IN
 58 Doc.JZ5588.D57
 2 Doc.JZ5588.I52 2008
Book Doc.JZ5615.S43 2000 West Africa small arms moratorium : high-level consultations on the modalities for the implementation of PCASED : a report of the experts' meeting and the civil society meeting, 23-24 March 1999, Bamako, Mali. Seck, Jacqueline. IN
 2 Doc.JZ5625.B67 2008
 2 Doc.JZ5625.C38 2008
Book Doc.JZ5625.D48 2006 Developing a mechanism to prevent illicit brokering in small arms and light weapons : scope and implications. IN
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