View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HC687M5B741 1969
  Call Number Title Author Status
 4 Pac.GN440.L48 1972
 2 Pac.GN440.L484
 3 Pac.GN440.N35
 3 Pac.GN440.2.C8 2007 c.2
Book Pac.GN440.2.E8C16 2009 Documentation of canoes of the Pohnpei island. Ehram, Bartolome. IN
 2 Pac.GN440.2.E63
Book Pac.GN440.2.E94 1995 Reading the wind : navigation and the environment in the Pacific, a teachers guide; an educational video about Polynesian and Micronesian voyaging. IN
Book Pac.GN440.2.G46 2018 Breaking the shell voyaging from nuclear refugees to people of the sea in the Marshall Islands. Genz, Joseph H IN
Book Pac.GN440.2.G53 1958 Canoe travel in the Truk area : technology and its psychological correlates. Gladwin, Thomas, 1916- IN
 2 Pac.GN440.2.H33 1975
Book Pac GN 440.2 H33 1975 Canoes of Oceania. Haddon, A. C. IN
 2 Pac.GN440.2.R64 1997
Book Pac.GN440.2.S2 1996 The record of building warasap. Saito, Hiroyuki IN
 2 Pac.GN440.2T37 2007
Book Pac.GN454.D35 Ancient games and sports in the Pacific. Danielsson, Bengt. IN
Book Pac.GN455.G6M34 String-figures from the Gilbert Islands. Maude, H. C. (Honor C.) IN
 2 Pac.GN455.S9M382 2001
Mixed Pac GN 455 S9 N62 String figures of Papua New Guinea. Noble, Philip. IN
Mixed Pac.GN463.W3713 1979 Dance and songs of Yap. Walleser, Sixtus. IN
Book Pac.GN468.C6E8 1974 A study of musical instruments from the Eastern Caroline Islands in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum Collection. Evans, Donald E. IN
Book Pac.GN468.M94D54 'Keeper-of-the-drum' : Silent objects and musical pasts of Pohnpei, Micronesia. Diettrich, Brian IN
Book Pac.GN472.75.C19 2004 Cargo, cult, and culture critique. IN
 2 Pac.GN472.75.L56 1993
Book Pac.GN473.F48 1967 Tikopia ritual and belief. Firth, Raymond William, 1901- IN
 2 Pac.GN476.A44 1970
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