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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HC427.92.L373 1998 China's unfinished economic revolution. Lardy, Nicholas R. IN
Book HC427.92.O35 1999 Rural China takes off : institutional foundations of economic reform. Oi, Jean Chun. IN
Book HC427.92.S55 1993 The political logic of economic reform in China. Shirk, Susan L. IN
Book HC427.95.C44 2002 China after WTO. IN
Book HC427.95.G83 2001 Guangxi. IN
Book HC427.95.S555 2019 The power of time : pictorial records of China's reform and opening-up = Shi jian de li liang : gai ge kai fang ying xiang (1978-2018). OUT
Book HC427.L61 2006 The China dream. Li, Junru. IN
Book HC427.Q1 2007 Natural resources : present and future. Qiu, Tian. IN
Book HC427.Y5 2006 China's road to development in a global perspective. Yin, Wenquan. IN
Book HC428.S53M63 1985 Modernization in China : the case of the Shenzhen special economic zone. IN
Book HC430.P63S4 2006 International aid projects for poverty alleviation in China. Shen, Honglei. IN
Book HC430.R49 2006 Rising out of poverty. IN
Book HC435.2.D3125 2001 India unbound. Das, Gurcharan. IN
Book HC455.B69 1993 The Philippines : the political economy of growth and impoverishment in the Marcos era. Boyce, James K. IN
Book HC455.D487 1982 Development debacle, the World Bank in the Philippines. Bello, Walden F. IN
Book HC462.9.A6417 1994 Doing business with the Japanese. Abecasis-Phillips, J. A. S. (John Andrew Stephen), 1934- IN
Book HC462.9.J327 1998 Japan--why it works, why it doesn't : economics in everyday life. IN
Book HC462.9.P69 1988 Trading places : how america is surrendering its future to Japan and how to win it back. Prestowitz, Clyde V. IN
Book HC462.9.P413 1998 Regime shift : comparative dynamics of the Japanese political economy. Pempel, T. J., 1942- IN
Book HC462.9.S578 1995 Japan since 1945 : the rise of an economic superpower. Smith, Dennis B. IN
Book HC462.9.T14 1995 The postwar Japanese system : cultural economy and economic transformation. Tabb, William K. IN
Book HC462.9.W67 1992 Japan, the coming economic crisis. Woronoff, Jon. IN
Book HC462.9.Z46 1988 The Japanese century : challenge and response. Zengage, Thomas R. IN
Book HC462.95.F56 1995 Blindside : why Japan is still on track to overtake the U.S. by the year 2000. Fingleton, Eamonn. IN
Book HC462.95J357 1993 The Japanese economy in the 1990s : problems and prognoses. Kano, Yoshikazu., 1943- IN
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