View previous page View next page Call Number Search: DD66.E7 1982
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book D840.V25 1992 The world since 1945. Vadney, Thomas E. IN
Book D843.R46 2000 The Cold War : collapse of communism. Rice, Earle. IN
Book D849.C36 1992 Change : threat or opportunity for human progress. IN
Book D860.B47 1991 The new superpowers : Germany, Japan, and the U.S., and the new world order. Bergner, Jeffrey T. IN
Book D860.B79 1993 Out of control : global turmoil on the eve of the twenty-first century. Brzezinski, Zbigniew K., 1928- IN
Book D860.C66 l995 Cartagena 95 : basic documents. IN
Book D860.H86 1996 The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order. Huntington, Samuel P. IN
Book D860.K353 2000 The coming anarchy : shattering the dreams of the post Cold War. Kaplan, Robert D., 1952- IN
Book D860.S48 2000 Deliver us from evil : peacekeepers, warlords, and a world of endless conflict. Shawcross, William. IN
Book D909.B85 1997 Europe for free : hundreds of free things to do in Europe. Butler, Brian, 1950- IN
Book D909.W537 1995 The best European travel tips, 1994-1995. Whitman, John, 1944- IN
Book D919.J23 2001 Portraits of places. James, Henry, 1843-1916. IN
Book D93.T54 1995 The Pillars of Hercules : a grand tour of the Mediterranean. Theroux, Paul. IN
Book DA118.G4 1982 The British : a portrait of an indomitable island people. Gelb, Norman. IN
Book DA142.M37 1998 Stonehenge. Mass, Wendy, 1967- IN
Book DA142.R66 1989 Stonehenge : opposing viewpoints. Roop, Peter. IN
Book DA152.2.L33 1998 The year 1000 : what life was like at the turn of the first millennium : an Englishman's world. Lacey, Robert. IN
Book DA152.5.A7 A828 2005 The mammoth book of King Arthur. Ashley, Michael. OUT
Book DA152.C28 1982 The Anglo-Saxon. Campbell, James, 1935- IN
 4 DA16.C47
Book DA16.K55 1996 The British empire and commonwealth : a short history. Kitchen, Martin. IN
Book DA16.M29 1996 The Cambridge illustrated history of the British Empire. IN
Book DA16.O95 1998 The Oxford history of the British Empire. IN
Book DA16.O95 1999 The Oxford history of the British Empire. IN
Book DA175.H555 2002 Medieval England. Hinds, Kathryn, 1962- IN
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