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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book PE1128.A2W518 1991 Process writing. White, Ronald V. IN
Book PE1128.B298 1985 From sentence to paragraph : a writing workbook. Bander, Robert G. IN
Book PE1128.B587 2004 Ready to write more : from paragraph to essay. Blanchard, Karen Lourie, 1951- IN
Book PE1128.B665 2007 Target band 7 : IELTS academic module : how to maximize your score. OUT
Book PE1128.C36 1987 Phrase by phrase : pronunciation and listening in American English. Chan, Marsha, 1952- IN
Book PE1128.C84 1982 Write about...intermediate writing activities. Cullup, Michael. IN
Book PE1128.D8273 1994 Intermediate listening comprehension : understand and recalling spoken English. Dunkel, Patricia. IN
Book PE1128.G528 2000 Internet English : WWW-based communication activities. Gitsaki, Christina. IN
Book PE1128.G6535 2000 Grammar dimensions : Form, meaning, and use. Riggenbach, Heidi. IN
Book PE1128.H42 1991 Learning English made simple. Henderson, Sheila, 1950- IN
Book PE1128.H61 1974 Developing reading skills : advanced. Hirasawa, Louise. IN
Book PE1128.J29 1992 Interactive listening on campus : authentic academic mini-lectures. James, Gary, 1939- IN
Book PE1128.M34 1983 Developing skills : advanced. Markstein, Linda IN
Book PE1128.N85 1994 Raise the issues : an integrated approach to critical thinking. Numrich, Carol. IN
Book PE1128.O47 1996 Authentic assessment for English language learners : practical approaches for teachers. O'Malley, J. Michael. IN
Kit PE1128.P94 1995 Cliffs advanced practice for the TOEFL. Pyle, Michael A., (Michael Armstrong), 1953- IN
Book PE1128.R68 1986 Academic reading and study skills for international students. Rosenthal, Lisa. IN
Book PE1128.R442 2002 Giving academic presentations. Reinhart, Susan M. OUT
Book PE1128.S6 1981 Skillful reading : a text and workbook for students of English as a second language. Sonka, Amy L. IN
Book PE1128.S28 1976 Foundations for teaching English as a second language : theory and method for multicultural education. Saville-Troike, Muriel, 1936- IN
Book PE1128.S37 1997 Reading, study skills, and writing : content focus, human behavior. Seal, Bernard. IN
Book PE1128.S58 1987 A writer's workbook : an interactive writing text for ESL students. Smoke, Trudy. IN
Book PE1128.S284 2000 Write about it! : tools for developing writers. Sayavedra, Melinda Roth. IN
Book PE1128.T78 1985 The Random House writing course for ESL students. Tucker, Amy. IN
Book PE1128.T357 1996 Teachers as course developers. IN
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