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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book P37.5.R42R43 2003 Reading complex words : cross-language studies. IN
Book P37.B337 2002 Basic functions of language, reading and reading disability. IN
Book P37.L357 2003 Language in mind : advances in the study of language and thought. IN
Book P37.S3 1991 Psycholinguistics : language; mind, and world. Steinberg, Danny D. IN
Book P37.T68 1980 Thought & language / language & reading. IN
Book P37.V94 1996 Thought and language. Vygotsky, Lev. IN
 2 P371.E83 2000
Book P40.5.E53E93 2009 Dying words : endangered languages and what they have to tell us. Evans, Nicolas 1956- IN
Book P40.5.L33C79 2000 Language death. Crystal, David, 1941- IN
Book P40.5.L33N48 2000 Vanishing voices : the extinction of the world's languages. Nettle, Daniel. IN
Book P40.5.58G44 2012 Social linguistics and literacies : ideology in discourses. Gee, James Paul. IN
Book P40.8.G78 1990 Language interaction in curriculum and instruction : what the classroom teacher needs to know. Gruenewald, Lee J. IN
Book P40.45.I4K52 1983 Plural languages, plural cultures : communication, identity, and sociopolitical change in contemporary India. Khubchandani, Lachman Mulchand. IN
Book P409.L88 1989 Double-speak : from "revenue enhancement" to "terminal living": how government, business, advertisers, and others use language to deceive you. Lutz, William. IN
Book P51.A88 1995 Attention and awareness in foreign language learning. IN
Book P51.B775 2000 Principles of language learning and teaching. Brown, H. Douglas, 1941- IN
Book P51.B777 1989 Yes! you can learn a foreign language. Brown-Azarowicz, Marjory Frances. IN
Book P51.C339 1997 Second language learners. Cary, Stephen, 1946- IN
Book P51.F37 1991 How to learn any language quickly, easily, inexpensively, enjoyably, and on your own. Farber, Barry. IN
Book P51.F694 2014 Essential linguistics : what teachers need to know to teach ESL, reading, spelling, grammar. Freeman, David E. IN
Book P51.L498 2003 Meeting the needs of second language learners : an educator's guide. Lessow-Hurley, Judith. IN
Book P51.R48 1990 The language teaching matrix. Richards, Jack C., 1943- IN
Book P51.R467 1986 Approaches and methods in language teaching : a description and analysis. Richards, Jack C. IN
Book P51.S3 1982 Teaching and learning languages. Stevick, Earl W. IN
Book P51.T37 1998 Teaching in action : case studies from second language classrooms. IN
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