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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HQ755.8.F3 2002 How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk. Faber, Adele. OUT
Book HQ755.8.P379126 2002 Parenting and the child's world : influences on academic, intellectual, and social-emotional development. IN
Book HQ755.85.A67 2004 You don’t really know me : why mothers & daughters fight and how both can win. Apter, T. E. IN
Book HQ755.85.C49 1979 Parents talking, kids talking : an original, breakthrough work for all parents who want to discuss adult subjects with children but don't know how. Chapman, Arthur Harry, 1924- IN
Book HQ755.85.C58 1990 Parenting with love and logic : teaching children responsibility. Cline, Foster. IN
Book HQ755.85.K85 2000 Kids, parents, and power struggles : winning for a lifetime. Kurcinka, Mary Sheedy, 1953- IN
Book HQ755.85.S4 2009 Parenting is a contact sport : 8 ways to stay connected to your kids for life. Stern, Joanne. IN
Book HQ755.85.S643 2010 Side by side : the revolutionary mother-daughter program for conflict-free communication. Sophy, Charles. IN
Book HQ756.P41 2007 Dealing with Dad how to understand your changing relationship. Périgot, Joseph. OUT
Book HQ756.R67 1981 Fathers without partners : a study of fathers and the family after marital separation. Rosenthal, Kristine M., 1933- IN
Book HQ759.4.C87 1994 Pregnancy. Cush, Cathie, 1957- OUT
Book HQ759.4.S568 1992 Coping with teenage motherhood. Simpson, Carolyn. OUT
Book HQ759.4.T4218 2010 Teen pergnancy. IN
Book HQ759.64.T38 2009 Teenage pregnancy. IN
Book HQ759.64.T44 2006 Teenage pregnancy and parenthood : global perspectives, issues and interventions. OUT
Book HQ759.92.D35 1999 The truth about Cinderella : a Darwinian view of parental love. Daly, Martin, 1944- IN
Book HQ759.913.B85 2006 A special education : one family's journey through the maze of learning disabilities. Buchman, Dana. IN
Book HQ759.913.M68 2009 Parenting an adult with disabilities or special needs : everything you need to know to plan for and protect your child’s future. Morgan, Peggy Lou, 1950- IN
Book HQ759.A77 2007 I was a really good mom before I had kids : reinventing modern motherhood. Ashworth, Trisha. IN
Book HQ759.M317 1992 For the love of a child. Mahmoody, Betty. IN
Book HQ76.3.U5H675 2004 Homosexuality : opposing viewpoints. IN
Book HQ76.13.L49 2009 Gay fatherhood : narratives of family and citizenship in America. Lewin, Ellen. IN
Book HQ76.25.H84 2003 GLBTQ : the survival guide for queer & questioning teens. Huegel, Kelly, 1974- IN
Book HQ76.25.T78 1990 Twins and homosexuality : a casebook. IN
Book HQ76.98.K55A3 2006 I am not myself these days : a memoir. Kilmer-Purcell, Josh, 1969- OUT
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