View previous page View next page Call Number Search: LB1139.23.P76 2001b
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book LB1051.M3913 2003 Learning and instruction. Mayer, Richard E., 1947- IN
Book LB1051.O66 2003 Educational psychology : developing learners. Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis. IN
Book LB1051.P415 2002 Personal epistemology : the psychology of beliefs about knowledge and knowing. IN
Book LB1051.S262 2004 Educational psychology. Santrock, John W. IN
Book LB1051.S615 2000 Educational psychology : theory and practice. Slavin, Robert E. IN
Book LB1051.T6695 2000 Educational psychology : effective teaching, effective learning. IN
Book LB1051.W74 2004 Educational psychology. Hoy, Anita Woolfolk, 1947- IN
Book LB1057.Z9 2002 The art of changing the brain : enriching teaching by exploring the biology of learning. Zull, James E. (James Elwood), 1939- IN
Book LB1059.S9 1966 Learning by discovery: a critical appraisal. Shulman, Lee S., ed. IN
Book LB1060.2.C76 2004 Responding to problem behavior in schools : the behavior education program. Crone, Deanne A. IN
Book LB1060.2.H38 2002 Behavior management strategies for teachers : achieving instructional effectiveness, student success, and student motivation--every teacher and any student can!. Harlan, Joan C. IN
Book LB1060.2.J26 2000 Behavioral support. Janney, Rachel. IN
Book LB1060.2.K35 2017 Challenging behavior in young children : understanding, preventing, and responding effectively. Kaiser, Barbara, 1948- IN
Book LB1060.2.K47 1999 Self-discipline : using portfolios to help students develop self-awareness, manage emotions and build relationships. Kerr, Rob IN
Book LB1060.2.M59 2001 Practical strategies for individual behaviour difficulties. Mitchell, Geraldine. IN
Book LB1060.B36 1999 The elements of learning. Banner, James M., 1935- IN
Book LB1060.D35 2004 Decoding the discipline : helping students learn disciplinary ways of thinking. IN
Book LB1060.E449 2001 The personal intelligences : promoting social and emotional learning. Ellison, Launa, 1944- IN
Book LB1060.F33 2007 The science of learning and the art of teaching. Feldman, Jerome A. IN
Book LB1060.G17 1993 Multiple intelligences : the theory in practice. Gardner, Howard. IN
Book LB1060.G72 2005 The art of educating with V diagrams. Gowin, D.B. IN
Book LB1060.H672 2000 How people learn : brain, mind, experience, and school. IN
Book LB1060.I46 1995 The importance of learning styles : understanding the implications for learning, course design, and education,. IN
Book LB1060.J45 2008 Brain-based learning : the new paradigm of teaching. Jensen, Eric IN
Book LB1060.J46 1998 Teaching with the brain in mind. Jensen, Eric. IN
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