View previous page View next page Call Number Search: HQ75.6.G56 1998
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HV1631.E38 1998 Educating students who have visual impairments with other disabilities. IN
Book HV1672.S94 1999 Beginning with braille : firsthand experiences with a balanced approach to literacy. Swenson, Anna M, 1952- IN
Book HV1672.W89 1995 The World Under My Fingers : edited by Barbara Pierce. OUT
Book HV1767.L54 1996 Games for people with sensory impairments : strategies for including individuals of all ages. Lieberman, Lauren J., 1965- IN
Book HV1947.H35A3 1991 Touching the rock : an experience of blindness. Hull, John M. IN
Book HV2380.J32 1980 A deaf adult speaks out. Jacobs, Leo M. IN
Book HV2391.N54 2004 Helping children who are deaf : family and community support for children who do not hear well. Niemann, Sandy. IN
Book HV2391.S66 1985 Deaf like me. Spradley, Thomas S. IN
Book HV2443.S33 1994 Language and literacy development in children who are deaf. Schirmer, Barbara R. IN
Book HV2469.R4M33 1999 Reading practices with deaf learners. McAnally, Patricia L., 1927- IN
Book HV2472.F28 1972 Ameslan; an introduction to American sign language. Fant, Louie J. IN
Book HV2474.B88 1989 Signing made easy : a complete program for learning sign language, includes sentence drills and exercises for increased comprehension and signing skill. Butterworth, Rod R. IN
Book HV2474.M535 2001 Signing naturally. Mikos, Ken. IN
Book HV2474.R53 1987 The joy of signing : the illustrated guide for mastering sign language and the manual alphabet. Riekehof, Lottie L. IN
Book HV2545.T28 2008 Testing deaf students in an age of accountability. IN
Book HV3006.A4R44 1986 The Right to grow up : an introduction to adults with developmental disabilities. IN
Book HV3006.A4S1 1970 Social work and mental retardation. IN
Book HV375.A53 1991 Alternative delivery systems for public services : health care, NGOs, credit, cooperatives: papers presented in an ADIPA Seminar held in the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, December 4-5, 1991, sponsor, Association of Development Research and Training Institutes of Asia and the Pacific: co-sponsors, World Bank, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration, U.P. Management Education Council, Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation. ADIPA Seminar (1991: University of Philippines) IN
Book HV40.B63 2006 Social work practice : concepts, processes, and interviewing. Bogo, Marion. IN
Book HV40.Z28 1987 Understanding human behavior and the social environment. Zastrow, Charles. IN
Book HV4045.F74 1993 From cradle to grave : the human face of poverty in America. Freedman, Jonathan L. IN
Book HV4045.W55 1987 The truly disadvantaged : the inner city, the underclass, and public policy. Wilson, William J., 1935- IN
Book HV41.2.Q54 2000 Grant winner's toolkit : project management and evaluation. Quick, James Aaron. IN
Book HV41.K29 1977 Supervision, consultation, and staff training in the helping professions. Kaslow, Florence Whiteman. IN
Book HV41.V65 2011 Voluntary organizations and public service delivery. IN
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