View previous page View next page Call Number Search: HD58.9.B45 1997
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HD69.T54Z46 2009 Successful time management for dummies. Zeller, Dirk. IN
Book HD6955.G82 2006 Demanding work : the paradox of job quality in the affluent economy. Green, Francis. IN
Book HD6955.W667 1995 Work : opposing viewpoints. IN
Book HD6957.U6N25 1985 Reinventing the corporation : transforming your job and your company for the new information society. Naisbitt, John. IN
Book HD6961.W46 1959 Man and organization; three problems in human relations in industry. Whyte, William Foote, 1914- IN
Book HD6971.J36 2005 Managing to stay out of court : how to avoid the 8 deadly sins of mismanagement. Janove, Jathan, 1958- IN
Book HD70.G7W55 1995 British business history, 1720-1994. Wilson, J. F. IN
Book HD70.J3A26 1985 Kaisha, the Japanese corporation. Abegglen, James C. IN
Book HD70.J3L8 1987 Inside corporate Japan : the art of fumble-free management. Lu, David John, 1928- IN
Book HD70.J3L27 1990 The rising sun on Main Street : working with the Japanese. Lanier, Alison Raymond. IN
Book HD70.J3M77 1997 Shaping the future of Japanese management : new leadership to overcome the impending crisis. Moriaki, Tsuchiya, 1934- IN
Book HD70.J3M284 1996 Working for a Japanese company : insights into the multicultural workplace. March, Robert M. IN
Book HD70.J3P43 1991 Japan vs. the West : implications for management. Pegels, C. Carl. IN
Book HD70.U5C49 1995 Reengineering management : the mandate for new leadership. Champy, James, 1942- IN
Book HD70.U5E3 2000 Business essentials. Ebert, Ronald J. IN
Book HD70.U5G53 1991 The world of business. Gitman, Lawrence J. OUT
 2 HD70.U5H54 2010t
Book HD70.U5L34 1992 Yankee Samurai : American managers speak out about what it's like to work for Japanese companies in the U.S. Laurie, Dennis. IN
Book HD70.U5M37 1993 Beating Japan : how hundreds of American companies are beating Japan now--and what your company can learn from them. McInerney, Francis. IN
Book HD70.U5P3 1986 The art of Japanese management. Pascale, Richard T. IN
Book HD70.U5P424 1984 In search of excellence : lessons from America's best-run companies. Peters, Thomas J. IN
Book HD7125.A9 2009 Save your retirement : what to do if you haven’t saved enough or if your investments were devastated by the market meltdown. Armstrong, Frank, III. IN
Book HD7125.R62 1992 Social security : what every taxpayer should know. Robertson, A. Haeworth, 1930- IN
Book HD7211.85.T68 2002 Towards Asia's sustainable development : the role of social protection. IN
Book HD7227.S37 2006 Race for the exits : the unraveling of Japan's system of social protection. Schoppa, Leonard J. (Leonard James), 1962- IN
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