View previous page View next page Call Number Search: HV6561.S44 2002
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book JK468.I6S35 2003 Drugs, oil, and war : the United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina. Scott, Peter Dale. IN
Book JK468.I6W69 2008 Fair game. Wilson, Valerie Plame. IN
Book JK468.O6A3 1968 Ombudsmen for American Government?. American Assembly. IN
Book JK468.P64O33 2008 Change we can believe in : Barack Obama’s plan to renew America’s promise. Obama, Barack. IN
Book JK468.P64W43 2008 A time to fight : reclaiming a fair and just America. Webb, James H. IN
Book JK469.O83 1992 Reinventing government : how the entrepreneurial spirit is transforming the public sector. Osborne, David (David E.) IN
Book JK516.G493 2000 Eyewitness to power : the essence of leadership : Nixon to Clinton. Gergen, David R. (David Richmond), 1942- IN
Book JK518.M35 1994 Spin control : the White House Office of Communications and the management of presidential news. Maltese, John Anthony. IN
Book JK524.L525 1996 The keys to the White House, 1996 : a surefire guide to predicting the next president. Lichtman, Allan J. IN
Book JK524.P38 1993 Out of order. Patterson, Thomas E. IN
Book JK716.D36 2011 The book of U.S. government jobs : where they are, what's available, and how to complete a Federal resume. Damp, Dennis V. IN
Book JK736.A54 1993 Our American government. IN
Book JL1229.C6M69 1991 Corruption and politics in contemporary Mexico. Morris, Stephen D., 1957- IN
Book JL1408.W67 1982 Government and society in Central America, 1680-1840. Wortman, Miles L., 1944- IN
Book JL197.L5M35 1982 Grits : an intimate portrait of the Liberal Party. McCall, Christina. IN
Book JN1121.B73 1992 British parliamentary parties : policy and power. Brand, Jack, 1934- IN
Book JN118.R87 1981 Parliamentary government in Britain. Rush, Michael, 1937- IN
Book JN134.B43 1982 Britain against itself : the contradictions of Collectivism. Beer, Samuel H., 1911- IN
Book JN181.Z1 2000 Origins of democratic culture: printingm petitions, and the public sphere in early-modern England. Zaret, David IN
Book JN231.B8 1994 British political facts, 1900-1994. Butler, David, 1924- IN
Book JN238.J89 2005 Political institutions in the United Kingdom. Judge, David. IN
Book JN329.B7 1992 Aspects of Britain : Britain and the Commonwealth. IN
Book JN329.P7R34 1994 Aspects of Britain : pressure groups. IN
Book JN3971.A58S4 2003 Political institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany. Schmidt, Manfred G., 1948- IN
Book JN40.Z9 2002 Democratic deficit? : institutions and regulation in the European Union, Switzerland, and the United States. Zweifel, Thomas D., 1962- IN
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