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  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 HD70.U5H54 2010t
Book HD70.U5L34 1992 Yankee Samurai : American managers speak out about what it's like to work for Japanese companies in the U.S. Laurie, Dennis. IN
Book HD70.U5M37 1993 Beating Japan : how hundreds of American companies are beating Japan now--and what your company can learn from them. McInerney, Francis. IN
Book HD70.U5P3 1986 The art of Japanese management. Pascale, Richard T. IN
Book HD70.U5P424 1984 In search of excellence : lessons from America's best-run companies. Peters, Thomas J. IN
Book HD7125.A9 2009 Save your retirement : what to do if you haven’t saved enough or if your investments were devastated by the market meltdown. Armstrong, Frank, III. IN
Book HD7125.R62 1992 Social security : what every taxpayer should know. Robertson, A. Haeworth, 1930- IN
Book HD7211.85.T68 2002 Towards Asia's sustainable development : the role of social protection. IN
Book HD7227.S37 2006 Race for the exits : the unraveling of Japan's system of social protection. Schoppa, Leonard J. (Leonard James), 1962- IN
Book HD7255.L48 1983 Job hunting for the disabled. Marks, Edith. IN
Book HD7261.P75 2007 Principles of occupational health & hygiene : an introduction. IN
Book HD73.E255 1988 Economic policy coordination : proceedings of an international seminar held in Hamburg. IN
Book HD7368.A3X8 2007 Changes in housing for 1.3 billion people. Xue, Kai. IN
Book HD7379.A3S48 2000 Settlement : a history of Australian indigenous housing. IN
Book HD7391.L68G662 Low-cost housing technology : an east-west perspective. IN
Book HD75.5 .R66 1998 The natural wealth of nations : harnessing the market for the environment. Roodman, David Malin. IN
Book HD75.6.E348 2010 Ecological economics : principles and applications. Daly, Herman E. IN
Book HD75.6.G555 2003 Global resources : opposing viewpoints. IN
Book HD75.6.K36 1992 Time for change : a new approach to environment and development. Kane, Hal. IN
Book HD75.6.K577 2002 What we learned in the rainforest : business lessons from nature : innovation, growth, profit, and sustainability at 20 of the world's top companies. Kiuchi, Tachi, 1935- IN
Book HD75.6.M43 1992 Beyond the limits : confronting global collapse; envisioning a sustainable future. Meadows, Donella H. IN
Book HD75.6.S855 1995 A survey of ecological economics. IN
Book HD75.6.T69 1994 Toward sustainable development : concepts, methods, and policy. IN
Book HD75.C4536 2005 Ideas for development. Chambers, Robert, 1932- IN
Book HD75.D499 1999 The developmental state. IN
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