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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HC110.T4T65 1992 Selling our security : the erosion of America's assets. Tolchin, Martin. IN
Book HC125.G25313 1997 Open veins of Latin America : five centuries of the pillage of a continent. Galeano, Eduardo H., 1940- IN
Book HC125.H384 1985 Underdevelopment is a state of mind : the Latin American case. Harrison, Lawrence E. IN
Book HC125.P645 2000 Political institutions and economic growth in Latin America : essays in policy, history, and political economy. IN
Book HC130.E44C37 1992 Intermediary NGOs : the supporting link in grassroots development. Carroll, Thomas F. IN
Book HC151.A34 2016 Achieving a resilient future for small states : Caribbean 2050. IN
Book HC151.B38 2014 Building the Resilience of Small States : Revised Framework. IN
Book HC179.M619 1997 Budgeting. Moose, Christina J., 1952- IN
Book HC186.5.S46A3 1993 Maverick : the success story behind the world's most unusual workplace. Semler, Ricardo, 1959- IN
Book HC21.N44 1995 A new century for natural resources management. IN
Book HC240.Z9W45 1998 The wealth and poverty of nations : why some are so rich and some so poor. Landes, David S. IN
Book HC241.2.B764 1991 Euroquake : Europe's explosive economic challenge will change the world. Burstein, Daniel. IN
Book HC256.6.G35 1994 Britain in decline : economic policy, political strategy, and the British state. Gamble, Andrew. IN
Book HC340.19.U474 1997 Ukraine : accelerating the transition to market : proceedings of an IMF/Workd Bank seminar. IN
Book HC3755.M57 1997 Debt. Moose, Christina J., 1952- IN
Book HC412.G625 1998 Asia meltdown : the end of the miracle?. Gough, Leo. IN
Book HC412.N464 1996 The New rich in Asia : mobile phones, McDonalds and middle-class revolution. OUT
Book HC412.N2433 1997 Megatrends Asia : eight Asian megatrends that are reshaping our world. Naisbitt, John. IN
Book HC412.S3 2009 The miracle : the epic story of Asia's quest for wealth. Schuman, Michael. IN
Book HC412.T52 1959 Population and progress in the Far East. Thompson, Warren Simpson, 1887- IN
Book HC415.254.Z65E36a 2019 The economic costs of the Israeli occupation for the Palestinian people : cumulative fiscal year. IN
Book HC415.W4T47 2002 How Asia got rich : Japan, China and the Asian miracle. Terry, Edith. IN
Book HC427.9.E28 1977 China's economic revolution. Eckstein, Alexander, 1915- IN
Book HC427.92.C575H83 1997 The China handbook. IN
Book HC427.92.K75 1994 China wakes : the struggle for the soul of a rising power. Kristof, Nicholas D., 1959- IN
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