View previous page View next page Call Number Search: CT105.S35 1998
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book D804.J3R96 2010 Sugamo diary. IN
Book D805.A2L54 1987 The Liberation of the Nazi concentration camps 1945 : eyewitness accounts of the liberators. IN
Book D805.N8L53 1990 Night and fog. Lie, Arne Brun, 1925- IN
Book D805.P16D38 1994 Prisoners of the Japanese : POWs of World War II in the Pacific. Daws, Gavan. IN
Book D806.U6C67 1991 The medical department : medical service in the European theater of operations. Cosmas, Graham A. IN
Book D810.J4F715 1993 The diary of a young girl. Frank, Anne, 1929-1945. IN
Book D810.J4G5 1987 The holocaust : the Jewish tragedy. Gilbert, Martin. IN
Book D810.J4L278 1982 The terrible secret : suppression of the truth about Hitler's 'final solution'. Laqueur, Walter, 1921- IN
Book D810.P6W37 2005 Wearing propaganda : textiles on the home front in Japan, Britain, and the United States, 1931-1945. IN
Book D810.P85U68 1997 World War II : opposing viewpoints. IN
Book D810.S7P45 2002 Roosevelt's secret war : FDR and World War II espionage. Persico, Joseph E. IN
Book D810.S7Y9 1996 OSS in China : prelude to Cold War. Yu, Maochun, 1962- IN
Book D810.S8A45 1987 The spy wore red : my adventures as an undercover agent in World War II. Aline, Countess of Romanones, 1923- IN
Book D810.S8B4693 1994 The catcher was a spy : the mysterious life of Moe Berg. Dawidoff, Nicholas. IN
Book D810.S8F85 2007 My father's secret war : a memoir. Franks, Lucinda. IN
Book D811.5.G26 1999 Eleanor's story : an American girl in Hitler's Germany. Garner, Eleanor Ramrath. IN
Book D811.5.H42513 1986 Women against war. IN
Book D811.5.K6674 2000 Through the burning steppe : a wartime memoir. Kozhina, Elena Fedorovna. IN
Book D811.A2.B746 2004 The greatest generation. Brokaw, Tom. IN
Book D840.V25 1992 The world since 1945. Vadney, Thomas E. IN
Book D843.R46 2000 The Cold War : collapse of communism. Rice, Earle. IN
Book D849.C36 1992 Change : threat or opportunity for human progress. IN
Book D860.B47 1991 The new superpowers : Germany, Japan, and the U.S., and the new world order. Bergner, Jeffrey T. IN
Book D860.B79 1993 Out of control : global turmoil on the eve of the twenty-first century. Brzezinski, Zbigniew K., 1928- IN
Book D860.C66 l995 Cartagena 95 : basic documents. IN
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