View previous page View next page Call Number Search: DS721.Y5 2004
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book E741.D5 1999 From Elvis to e-mail : trends, events, and trivia from the postwar era to the end of the century. Dickson, Paul. IN
Book E741.E93 1998 The American century. Evans, Harold IN
Book E741.U73 1998 The USA between the wars 1919-1941 : a study in depth. IN
Book E743.5.T36 1997 Whittaker Chambers : a biography. Tanenhaus, Sam. IN
Book E743.L56 1983 Progressivism. Link, Arthur Stanley. IN
Book E743.N39 1986 Thinking in time : the uses of history for decision-makers. Neustadt, Richard E. IN
Book E745.B693 1983 A general's life : an autobiography. Bradley, Omar Nelson, 1893-1981. IN
Book E745.M3P42 1996 Old soldiers never die : the life of Douglas MacArthur. Perret, Geoffrey. IN
Book E745.P3D46 1995 Patton : a genius for war. D'Este, Carlo, 1936- IN
Book E748.R94Z3 2000 Dean Rusk : defending the American mission abroad. Zeiler, Thomas W. IN
Book E748.S63S57 2001 Empire statesman : the rise and redemption of Al Smith. Slayton, Robert A. IN
Book E756.C78 1990 Pivotal decades : the United States, 1900-1920. Cooper, John Milton. IN
Book E76.6.J65 2002 Lessons from Turtle Island : Native curriculum in earlchildhood classrooms. Jones, Guy W., 1956- IN
Book E77.9.S54 1986 The Smithsonian book of North American Indians : before the coming of the Europeans. Kopper, Philip. IN
Book E77.C52 1973 The first Americans. Claiborne, Robert. IN
Book E77.F36 1978 Man's rise to civilization : the cultural ascent of the Indians of North America. Farb, Peter. IN
Book E77.O47 1986 Native Americans in the twentieth century. Olson, James Stuart, 1946- IN
Book E77.S935 2000 An introduction to native North America. Sutton, Mark Q. IN
Book E77.U2 1953 Red Man's America; a history of Indians in the United States. Underhill, Ruth Murray, 1884-1984. IN
Book E77.W89 1974 The World of the American Indian. IN
Book E78.15.M66 1976 The corporation and the Indian : tribal sovereignty and industrial civilization in Indian Territory, 1865-1907. Miner, H. Craig. IN
Book E78.C2A14 2003 Aboriginal conditions : research as a foundation for public policy. IN
Book E78.C15U2 1980 Indians of Southern California. Underhill, Ruth Murray, 1884-1984. IN
Book E78.G73E7 1972 The Sun Dance people : the Plains Indians, their past and present. Erdoes, Richard. IN
Book E78.G73W5 1976 People of the first man : life among the Plain Indians in their final days of glory. Wied Zu, Maximilian. IN
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