View previous page View next page Call Number Search: E255.M38 1978
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book E468.9.K46 1996 Ken Burns's The Civil War : historians respond. IN
Book E468.M228 1996 Drawn with the sword : reflections on the American Civil War. McPherson, James M. IN
Book E470.45.B7 1992 The Outlaw Youngers : a Confederate brotherhood : a biography. Brant, Marley. IN
Book E475.55.B68 2006 The Gettysburg gospel : the Lincoln speech that nobody knows. Boritt, G. S., 1940- IN
Book E532.9.M37 1990 Texas divided : loyalty and issent in the lone star state, 1856-1874. Marten, James, 1956- IN
Book E547.C625C26 2002 Clingman's Brigade in the Confederacy, 1862-1865. Casstevens, Frances Harding. IN
Book E56.F67 1999 Politics and the Museum of the American Indian : the Heye & the mighty. Force, Roland W. IN
Book E58.D68 1962 Indians of North America. Driver, Harold Edson, 1907- IN
Book E58.J67 1974 The Indian heritage of America. Josephy, Alvin M., 1915- IN
Book E585.A35I4 2002x In view of the great want of labor : a legislative history of African American conscription in the Confederacy. Ingram, E. Renée. IN
 2 E59.W9M3 1972
Book E605.W75 2005 End of an era : the last days of traditional southern culture as seen through the eyes of a young confederate soldier. Wise, John S. (John Sergeant), 1846-1913. IN
Book E61.L55 1967 Ancient America. Leonard, Jonathan Norton, 1903-1975. IN
Book E61.S78 1969 Discovering man's past in the Americas. Stuart, George E. IN
Book E635.B36F14 2002 Exile in Erin : a Confederate chaplain's story : the life of Father John B. Bannon. Faherty, William Barnaby, 1914- IN
Book E661.7.Z1 1998 From wealth to power: the unusual origins of America's world role. Zakaria, Fareed IN
Book E661.K76 1991 United States history from 1865. Krout, John A. (John Allen), 1896-1979. IN
Book E661.W58 1967 The search for order, 1877-1920. Wiebe, Robert H. IN
Book E667.A7 2002 Andrew Johnson : a book. Alter, Judy, 1938- IN
Book E668.D83 1991 Black reconstruction in America. Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963. IN
Book E668.F66 1989 America's unfinished revolution, 1863-1877. Foner, Eric. IN
Book E741.D5 1999 From Elvis to e-mail : trends, events, and trivia from the postwar era to the end of the century. Dickson, Paul. IN
Book E741.E93 1998 The American century. Evans, Harold IN
Book E741.U73 1998 The USA between the wars 1919-1941 : a study in depth. IN
Book E743.5.T36 1997 Whittaker Chambers : a biography. Tanenhaus, Sam. IN
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