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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book BV652.C68 1990 Mastering church management. Cousins, Don. IN
Book BX106.W3 1993 The Orthodox Church. Kallistos, Bishop of Diokleia, 1934- IN
Book BX1270.R413 1994 The Avignon papacy : the Popes in exile, 1305-1403. Renouard, Yves. IN
Book BX1373.M37 1997 The last pope, a novel. Marcus, Jerry. IN
Book BX1378.5.B47 1996 His Holiness : John Paul II and the hidden history of our time. Bernstein, Carl, 1944- IN
Book BX1378.5.M35 1979 Pope John Paul II, the life of Karol Wojtyla. Malinski, Mieczyslaw. IN
Book BX1406.3.D65 2002 In search of an American Catholicism : a history of religion and culture in tension. Dolan, Jay P., 1936- IN
Book BX1658.2W54 2005 Investing in miracles : El Shaddai and the transformation of popular Catholicism in the Philippines. Wiegele, Katharine L., 1966- IN
Book BX1665.Z6 2005 Catholic church in China. Zhou, Tailiang. IN
Book BX1712.H763 1988 Ecclesia militans : the inquisition. Hroch, Miroslav. IN
 2 BX1751.2.M24 1980
Book BX1751.B7 1961 Catholicism. Brantl, George. IN
Book BX1765.2.B6 1976 Roman Catholicism. Boettner, Loraine, 1901- IN
Book BX2130.B66 2000 The book of Catholic prayer : prayers for every day and all occasions. IN
Book BX2250.T46 1987 Beginning your marriage. Thomas, John L. (John Lawrence), 1910- IN
Book BX2330.W66 1990 Making saints : how the Catholic Church determines who becomes a saint, who doesn't, and why. Woodward, Kenneth L. OUT
Book BX2350.2.T467 1982 The love of Christ : spiritual counsels. Teresa, Mother, 1910- IN
Book BX3706.2.A93 1981 The Jesuits. Aveling, J. C. H. (John Cedric H.), 1917- IN
Book BX3708.R54 1971 The new Jesuits. Riemer, George R. IN
Book BX3746.A5 2010 Jesus in India : Jesus' deliverance from the cross & journey to India. Ahmad, Ghulam, 1839-1908. IN
Book BX4406.5.Z8M2313 2011 Mother Teresa of Calcutta : a personal portrait. Maasburg, Leo-M. (Leo-Maximilian) IN
Book BX4406.5.Z8P665 2008 Finding Calcutta : what Mother Teresa taught me about meaningful work and service. Poplin, Mary S., 1951- IN
Book BX4406.5.Z8 W38 2009 Mother Teresa : faith in the darkness. Watts, Greg. IN
Book BX4668.H82S66 1989 The question of Hu. Spence, Jonathan D. IN
Book BX4700.F6A725 1967b St. Francis of Assisi : a great life in brief. Almedingen, E. M. (Edith Martha), 1898-1971. IN
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