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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book BM565.P7 1981 The nine questions people ask about Judaism. Prager, Dennis, 1948- IN
Book BM570.G55 1991 When your child asks : a handbook for Jewish parents. Glustrom, Simon. IN
Book BM573.G38 1991 Judaism. Morrison, M. A. (Martha A.) IN
Book BM573.P46 1997 Judaism. Penney, Sue. IN
Book BM651.V36 2004 From Joshua to Caiaphas : high priests after the Exile. VanderKam, James C. IN
Book BM657.2.C45 1990 Menorahs, mezuzas, and other Jewish symbols. Chaikin, Miriam. IN
Book BM657.M35P63 1998 The menorah story. Podwal, Mark H., 1945- IN
Book BM675.D3Z75 1980 To pray as a Jew : a guide to the prayer book and the synagogue service. Donin, Hayim. IN
Book BM690.R597 2003 The lifetime guide to the Jewish holidays : abundant ways to bring the joy, meaning and relevance of celebration into your home and heart year after year. Ross, Lesli Koppelman. IN
Book BM695.P3S76 2000 The story of Passover. IN
Book BM700.D58 1991 To be a Jew : a guide to Jewish observance in contemporary life : selected and compiled from the Shulhan arukh and Responsa literature, and providing a rationale for the laws and the traditions. Donin, Hayim. IN
Book BM700.K5924 1990 How to live a jewish life : Jewish home advisor. Kolatch, Alfred J., 1916- IN
Book BM723.K52 2001 Voices of wisdom : Jewish ideals and ethics for everyday living. IN
Book BM729.P7L26 1991 Becoming a Jew. Lamm, Maurice. IN
Book BP109.A549 2011 The holy Quran : Arabic text and English translation. Ali, Maulawi Sher. IN
Book BP109.K67 1996 The Koran interpreted. IN
Book BP109.K67 2004 The Koran. IN
Book BP130.2.A56 1998 Revelation, rationality knowledge and truth. Ahmad, Tahir, 1928-2003. IN
Book BP130.78.I5G33 2004 Perfection makes practice : learning, emotion, and the recited Quran in Indonesia. Gade, Anna M. IN
Book BP130.A5 2007 Introduction to the study of the Holy Quran. Ahmad, Bashiruddin Mahmud, 1989-1965 IN
Book BP130.C73 2004 Commentary on the Holy Quran : compiled from the writings and pronouncements of the promised Messiah and Mahdi Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Quadian. IN
Book BP132.A9 2004 The everything Koran book ; understand the origins and influence of the Muslim Holy Book and the teachings of Allah. Anwar, Duaa. IN
Book BP135.A3S774 1980 The sayings of Muhammad. Suhrawardy, Abdullah al-Mamun, Sir, 1882-1935. IN
Book BP161.2.A46 1999 Islam today : a short introduction to the muslim world. Ahmed, Akbar S. IN
Book BP161.2.B67 1998 What Muslims believe. Bowker, John Westerdale. IN
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