View previous page View next page Call Number Search: DS721.H86 1975
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book DT543.D45 1993 Warriors at work : how Guinea was really set free. Dhada, Mustafah. IN
Book DT545.22.C66 1991 Cote d'Ivoire : a country study. IN
Book DT545.45.B45G71 2004 The afterlife is where we come from : the culture of infancy in West Africa. Gottlieb, Alma. IN
Book DT554.22.M385 1990 Mauritania : a country study. IN
Book DT567.M2 1969 Black sheep : adventures in West Africa. Mackenzie, Jean Kenyon, 1874-1936. IN
Book DT60.C23 1965 Ancient Egypt. Casson, Lionel, 1914- IN
Book DT61.L36 2001 The ancient Egyptians. Lassieur, Allison. IN
Book DT61.M473 1999 Village life in ancient Egypt : laundry lists and love songs. McDowell, A. G. IN
Book DT624.L54 1985 Liberia, a country study. IN
Book DT636.5.E45 2001 The mask of anarchy : the destruction of Liberia and the religious dimension of an African civil war. Ellis, Stephen, 1953- IN
Book DT639.F65 1978 The River Congo : the discovery, exploration and exploitation of the world's most dramatic river. Forbath, Peter. IN
Book DT644.Z3425 1994 Zaïre, a country study. IN
Book DT652.E34 2002 The troubled heart of Africa : a history of the Congo. Edgerton, Robert B., 1931- IN
Book DT652.M36 1948 The new Congo,. Marvel, Tom, 1901-1970. IN
Book DT655.H63 1999 King Leopold's ghost : a story of greed, terror, and heroism in colonial Africa. Hochschild, Adam. IN
Book DT658.25 .W76 2001 In the footsteps of Mr. Kurtz : living on the brink of disaster in Mobutu's Congo. Wrong, Michela, 1961- IN
Book DT658.25.Y68 1985 The rise and decline of the Zairian state. Young, Crawford, 1931- IN
Book DT665.K24T53 1990 The ponds of Kalambayi : an African sojourn. Tidwell, Mike. IN
Book DT703.R5 South West: the last frontier in Africa. Rhoodie, Eschel Mostert IN
Book DT737.V28 1977 The lost world of the Kalahari. Van der Post, Laurens. IN
Book DT763.L395 1985 Move your shadow : South Africa Black and White. Lelyveld, Joseph. IN
Book DT763.M356 1987 They cannot kill us all : an eyewitness account of South Africa today. Manning, Richard, 1950- IN
Book DT764.X6E44 1970 The magic world of the Xhosa. Elliott, Aubrey. IN
Book DT779.9.W66 1986 South African dispatches : letters to my countrymen. Woods, Donald, 1933- IN
Book DT797.L42 1984 The Dobe !Kung. Lee, Richard B. IN
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