View previous page View next page Call Number Search: CRC QA107.P74te 1995 Crs.1
  Call Number Title Author Status
 11 CRC QA107.P74se 1995
 33 CRC QA107.S36te 1996 v.1 Gr.1
 9 CRC QA107.T37am 1995 Gr.8-10
Book CRC QA113.P21 2001 Numbers. Paré, Roger. IN
 5 CRC QA113.Y1m 1998
Book CRC QA115.B96 1998 Math by all means : multiplication, grade 3. Burns, Marilyn, 1941- IN
 17 CRC QA115.M85mws 2006
Book CRC QA115.O43 2000 Math by all means : division, grades 3-4. Ohanian, Susan IN
Book CRC QA117.N14 2008 Polar bear math : learning about fractions from Klondike and Snow. Nagda, Ann Whitehead, 1945- IN
 39 CRC QA135.5.A33fm 1995 Gr.6
Book CRC QA135.5.A523 1998 Number jugglers math card games. Alexander, Ruth Bell. IN
Book CRC QA135.5.B87 1996 50 Problem-solving lessons : grades 1-6. Burns, Marilyn. IN
 2 CRC QA135.5.C66 1994
Book CRC QA135.5.C73 1996 Math by all means : money, grades 1-2. Crawford, Jane IN
Book CRC QA135.5.E83 1987 Explorations 2. IN
 3 CRC QA135.5.G75b 1995
Book CRC QA135.5.H42 1997 Today's mathematics. Heddens, James W. IN
 34 CRC QA135.5.I58ea 1995 No.1-6
Book CRC QA135.5.L68 1994 Teaching mathematics : action and awareness. Love, Eric IN
 2 CRC QA135.5.M3 1973
Book CRC QA135.5.M23se 1995 No.1 McDougal Littell integrated mathematics 1. IN
 39 CRC QA135.5.M38 1995
Book CRC QA135.5.M6154 1999 Much more than counting : more math activities for preschool and kindergarten. Moomaw, Sally, 1948- OUT
 5 CRC QA135.5.P76 1994 Gr.1
 13 CRC QA135.5.Q47tg 1995 Gr.1
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