View previous page View next page Call Number Search: DS12.N35 1964
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book DS318.8.S35 2000 Persian mirrors : the elusive face of Iran. Sciolino, Elaine. IN
Book DS318.85.H57 1991 The longest war : the Iran-Iraq military conflict. Hiro, Dilip. IN
Book DS318.85.K34 2007 1001 nights in Iraq : the shocking story of an American forced to fight for Saddam against the country he loves. Kenderian, Shant. IN
Book DS318.K62 2003 All the Shah's men : an American coup and the roots of Middle East terror. Kinzer, Stephen. IN
Book DS318.M65B37 2003 Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Barth, Linda. IN
Book DS326.P36 1992 Guardians of the Gulf : a history of America's expanding role in the Persian Gulf, 1833-1992. Palmer, Michael A., 1942- IN
Book DS329.4.H67 1992 The great game : the struggle for empire in central Asia. Hopkirk, Peter. IN
Book DS329.4.R38 2002 Jihad : the rise of militant Islam in Central Asia. Rashid, Ahmed. IN
Book DS33.1.W58 2000 Life along the Silk Road. Whitfield, Susan, 1960- IN
Book DS33.7.A3 1979 The Age of partnership : Europeans in Asia before dominion. IN
Book DS33.M87 1992 A history of Asia. Murphey, Rhoads, 1919- IN
Book DS341.S73 1982 The States of South Asia : problems of national integration : essays, in honour of W.H. Morris-Jones. IN
Book DS349.8.I5 1983 Indian Ocean, five island countries. IN
Book DS35.2.B425 2004 Before and after September 11, 2001 : an Asian perspective. IN
Book DS35.6.W65 2001 The world of Islam. IN
Book DS35.63.L37 2002 A history of Islamic societies. Lapidus, Ira M. (Ira Marvin) IN
Book DS351.5.A34 1986 Afghanistan : a country study. IN
Book DS351.5.C67 2002 Afghanistan. Corona, Laurel, 1949-. IN
Book DS352.S74 2006 The places in between. Stewart, Rory. IN
Book DS356.T36 2002 Afghanistan : a military history from Alexander the Great to the fall of the Taliban. Tanner, Stephen, 1954- IN
Book DS36.7.L49 1993 The Arabs in history. Lewis, Bernard. IN
Book DS36.77.P79 1989 The closed circle : an interpretation of the Arabs. Pryce-Jones, David, 1936- IN
Book DS361.A77 2002 Arms against fury : Magnum photographers in Afghanistan. IN
Book DS361.G73 2001 Afghanistan : a history of conflict. Griffiths, John Charles. IN
Book DS37.7.H67 1992 A history of the Arab peoples. Hourani, Albert Habib. IN
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