View previous page View next page Call Number Search: B3583.M66 1985
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book B188.B9 1930 Early Greek philosophy,. Burnet, John, 1863-1928. IN
Book B188.C35 1999 The Cambridge companion to early Greek philosophy. IN
Book B1901.P42E5 1995 Pensées. Pascal, Blaise, 1623-1662. IN
 4 B21.C78 1947
Book B21.F4 1971 Reason and responsibility : readings in some basic problems of philosophy. Feinberg, Joel, 1926- IN
Book B21.S57 1962 Introduction to philosophy : readings in epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, philosophy of religion. IN
Book B2177.G73 1998 Voltaire : Voltaire and Enlightenment. Gray, John, 1948- IN
Book B2430.F72F68 1997 Foucault and his interlocutors. IN
Book B2430.F724B368 1998 Michel Foucault : an introduction. Barker, Philip, 1950- IN
Book B2430.S33E813 1992 Being and nothingness : the principal text of modern existentialism. Sartre, Jean Paul, 1905- OUT
Book B2599.G63S3 2006 The courtier and the heretic : Leibniz, Spinoza, and the fate of God in the modern world. Stewart, Matthew, 1963- OUT
Book B2786.E5F75 2004 [Metaphysical Anfangsgrunde der naturwissenschaft, English] Kant : Metaphysical foundations of natural science. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 IN
Book B2798.E8W27 1999 Kant. Walker, Ralph Charles Sutherland IN
Book B29.W67 2006 Philosophy as a humanistic discipline. Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen. IN
Book B317.G68 1999 Socrates. Gottlieb, Anthony. IN
Book B3305.M74S57 2018 Marx : a very short introduction. Singer, Peter, 1946- author. IN
Book B3312.E5K38 1992 Basic writings of Nietzsche. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. IN
Book B3312.E52K3 1976 The portable Nietzsche. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. IN
Book B3313.A43E5 1995 Thus spoke Zarathustra : a book for all and none. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. IN
Book B3313.G42E55 1967 The birth of tragedy and the ase of Wagner. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. OUT
Book B3313.J43E5 2002 Beyond good and evil : prelude to a philosophy of the future. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. IN
Book B3317.H336 1999 Nietzsche. Hayman, Ronald, 1932- IN
Book B3317.S6147 2003 Living with Nietzsche : what the great "immoralist" has to teach us. Solomon, Robert C. IN
Book B3376.W564E37 2001b Wittgenstein's poker : the story of a ten-minute argument between two great philosophers. Edmonds, David, 1964- IN
Book B3376.W564J36 1973 Wittgenstein's Vienna. Janik, Allan. IN
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