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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book DS615.W63 1972 Indonesia. Woldendorp, Richard. IN
Book DS62.4.C53 2000 A history of the modern Middle East. Cleveland, William L. IN
Book DS62.4.L488 2002 What went wrong? : Western impact and Middle Eastern response. Lewis, Bernard. IN
Book DS62.4.M36 1992 A history of the Middle East. Mansfield, Peter, 1928- IN
Book DS62.8.A7 1976 Legacy of the desert : understanding the Arabs. Archer, Jules. IN
Book DS63.1.A27 1989 The St. George Hotel bar. Aburish, Saïd K., 1935- IN
Book DS63.1.M5426 2000 The Middle East, opposing viewpoints. IN
Book DS63.2E8L48 1982 The Muslim discovery of europe. Lewis, Bernard. IN
Book DS63.2.G7F76 2001 A peace to end all peace : the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the modern Middle East. Fromkin, David. IN
Book DS63.2.U5J47 1993 Jerusalem, vision of reconciliation : an Israeli-Palestinian dialogue. IN
Book DS63.2.U5K35 1993 The Arabists : the romance of an American elite. Kaplan, Robert D., 1952- IN
Book DS63.2.U5L58 2002 American orientalism : the United States and the Middle East since 1945. Little, Douglas, 1950- IN
Book DS63.2 .U5 T54 1982 The United States in the Middle East, interests and obstacles. Tillman, Seth P. IN
Book DS63.2.U5U3 2003 The United States and the Persian Gulf : reshaping security strategy for the post-containment era. IN
Book DS63.H55 1982 Inside the Middle East. Hiro, Dilip. IN
Book DS631.K625 Introduction to the peoples and cultures of Indonesia and Malaysia. Koentjaraningrat, 1923- IN
Book DS632.B25G44 2004 The life of a Balinese temple : artistry, imagination, and history in a peasant village. Geertz, Hildred. IN
Book DS632.M25G53 2005 And the sun pursued the moon : symbolic knowledge and traditional authority among the Makassar. Gibson, Thomas, 1956- IN
Book DS632.T7A1 2006 Art as politics : re-crafting identities, tourism, and power in Tana Toraja, Indonesia. Adams, Kathleen M., 1957- IN
Book DS632.T7A3 1998 Feasting on change the impacts of modernization and development upon the Toraya traditional roles, rituals, and statuses. Ames, Todd T. IN
Book DS634.R53 2001 A history of modern Indonesia since c. 1200. Ricklefs, M. C. (Merle Calvin) IN
Book DS643.5.T15 1960 Revolt in paradise. Tantri, K'tut. IN
Book DS644.4.O53 1994 Indonesia's new order : the dynamics of socioeconomic transformation. IN
Book DS644.P47 2002 The West New Guinea debacle : Dutch decolonisation and Indonesia, 1945-1962. Penders, C. L. M. (Christian Lambert Maria), 1928- IN
Book DS646.3.D71 1973 Panjamon : I was a headhunter. Domalain, Jean Yves, 1943- IN
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