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  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 0225.96 Pac. c.3 After the Compact - what then?. Haglelgam, John IN
Mixed VerF 0225.96 Pac. c.4 After the Compact - what then?. Haglelgam, John IN
Mixed VerF 0226 Pac papers and news articles. Otto, Tony IN
Mixed VerF.0227 Pac. The Law of real property of the outer islands of the Ponape District. Bliss Jr., Donald T. IN
Mixed VerF 0228 Pac. Aracely, O'kean H.: scholarships, fellowships, etc. IN
Mixed VerF 0228.58 Pac. George, Raleigh.: scholarships, fellowships, etc. IN
Mixed VerF 0229.73 Pac. James, Semens K.: scholarships, fellowships, etc. IN
Mixed VerF 0230.61 Pac. Johnson, Yasuwo: scholarships, fellowships, etc. IN
Mixed VerF.0231 Pac. Separation of Church and State in the Trust Territory. Ruzumna, Sharon IN
Mixed VerF.0232 Pac. Letter from the Ponape District bar association. Johnny, Judah IN
Mixed VerF.0233 Pac. Yap district historical dates. IN
 2 VerF.0234 Pac.
Mixed VerF.0235 Pac. Contract for management and development of Pohnpei Fisheries Port Facilities. IN
Mixed VerF.0242 Pac. Model Ponape house : typhoon resistant construction. Lewis, M.C. IN
Mixed VerF.0243 Pac. Child abuse and neglect. Syne, Heliner IN
 2 VerF.0244Pac.
Mixed VerF.0244.1 Pac. The Siam weed infestation in the Federated States of Micronesia & emdash : seven years of attempting to control it. Esguerra, Nelson M. IN
Book VerF.0245 Pac. Treaty with the Cook Islands on Friendship and Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary : report (to accompany Ex. P, 96-2). United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. IN
Book VerF.0246 Pac. Implementation of Compact of Free Association with Palau. United States. IN
Mixed VerF.0247 Pac. Palau Compact of Free Association Act : report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs on H.J. Res. 626 (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. IN
Book VerF.0248 Pac. Compact of free association : agreement between the United States of America and Micronesia amending the Compact of Free Association of October 1, 1982, as signed at Washington March 9, 1988. IN
Mixed VerF.0249 Pac. Eastern Pacific Tuna Licensing Act of 1984 : report (to accompany H.R. 5147). United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. IN
 2 VerF.0250 Pac.
Mixed VerF 0299.99 Pac Statement by Mr. Tadao P. Sigrah Charge D' Affaires, Permanent Mission of the Federated States of Micronesia to the United Nations in the fifth-fourth United Nations General Assembly before the Plenary on Agenda item 19: admission of new members to the United Nations, September 14, 1999. Sigrah, Tadao P. IN
 3 VerF 0333.93 Pac
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