View previous page View next page Call Number Search: CRC QC320.J33d 1998
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book CRC Pic.P69 2005 Big Max and the mystery of the missing giraffe. Platt, Kin IN
Book CRC Pic.P72 2001 Snow day. Plourde, Lynn. IN
Book CRC Pic.P74 1975 Letters and words : child's play motivation book 4. Presland, John IN
Book CRC Pic.P75 2005 Mommies say shhh!. Polacco, Patricia. IN
Book CRC.Pic.P76 1983 The glorious flight : across the channel with Louis Bleriot. Provensen, Alice IN
Book CRC Pic.P84 2012 The pirate games. Posner-Sanchez, Andrea. OUT
Book CRC Pic.P84 2013 The perfect tea party. Posner-Sanchez, Andrea, author. OUT
Book CRC Pic.P93 2007 Princess story collection : step 1 and step 2 books : a collection of five early readers. OUT
Book CRC Pic.P95 2003 A day in the life of Murphy. Provensen, Alice. IN
Book CRC Pic.P348 1992 Baby's 123 : a counting song. Paterson, Bettina. IN
Book CRC Pic P374 1977 Love from Uncle Clyde. Parker, Nancy Winslow. IN
Book CRC Pic.P425 1995 The Emperor Penguin's new clothes. Perlman, Janet, 1954- OUT
Book CRC Pic.R5 1974 Here comes brown bunny / written and edited by Angela M. Ridsdale, Myrtle P. Curtis, Marie Eustelle. Ridsdale, Angela M. IN
Book CRC Pic.R5 1985 What happens when you look?. Richardon, Joy IN
Book CRC Pic.R6 1980 The rocket that went wrong. IN
Book CRC Pic.R15g 2002 Goldilocks and the three bears. Ransom, Candice F. OUT
Book CRC Pic.R15 2002 The little red riding hood. Ransom, Candice F. OUT
Book CRC.Pic.R19 1993 Dumpling soup. Rattigan, Jama Kim. OUT
Book CRC Pic.R23 1997 Who's bugging you?. Reasoner, Charles IN
Book CRC Pic.R39 1994 Curious George goes to the hospital. Rey, Margret. IN
Book CRC Pic.R43 1985 So many cats!. Regniers de, Schenk Beatrice. IN
Book CRC Pic.R45 1995 The magic school bus plants seeds : a book about how living things grow. Relf, Patricia. OUT
Book CRC Pic.R45 1998 Bugs, bugs, bugs!. Reid, Mary. IN
Book CRC Pic.R52 2005 Thanksgiving mice!. Roberts, Bethany IN
Book CRC Pic.R53a 1994 A, B, C : a first word book. Ricklen, Neil. IN
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